Disney, a crime syndicate within a syndicate

“When this author* spoke to the co-author’s deeper Illuminati alters about Disney, their reaction was that Disney had been described to them when they were in the Illuminati as ‘a syndicate within a syndicate’. They said that while in the Illuminati, they were aware that Disneyland had their own government, their own rules and their own police force. They were a crime syndicate within a syndicate. What these Illuminati alters casually mentioned, was verified by this author the hard way through research.

One Disneyland security supervisor said, ‘There is no Constitution at Disneyland. We have our own laws.’

Once, when Walt Disney got miffed by a Hollywood policeman, Walt said, ‘I’ll have your badge.’ If Disney guards decide to, they will get very rough physically with people, and assault them in any fashion they see it. The people they detain are often thrown into tiny cells at Disneyland where they are kept without benefit of a phone call, without benefit of a toilet or water. The judicial system turns a blind eye to whatever Disney police do. Many people pay Disney to get their children out of a Disney cell, and never get due process of any law. This type of treatment has gone on for decades, and is almost a daily occurrence at Disneyland.

The Anaheim Police force is very chummy with the Disney private police force. Also at one point, the Burbank Chief of Police was the brother-in-law to Disney’s Chief of Security. Recently, when a couple filed a wrongful death suit against the Magic Kingdom of Disney in Florida, the state of Florida surprisingly has appeared to have backed them off from their traditional behaviour of protecting Disney’s sovereignty. An article on the suit said, ‘there is evidence of some nervousness with Disney’s relative autonomy.’ (San Francisco Chronicle, article ‘Mickey’s Dark Side’ Oct 1., ’96).

An attorney in the case said, ‘Disney’s World’s security people aren’t just cops, they are bad ones. I don’t think there is any corporation that has ever had the perceived power that Disney has.’

Richard Foglesong, a professor of politics at Rollins College in Winter Park stated, ‘Because Disney World controls so much of its corporate and municipal universe, it can’t help but act in a heavy-handed manner in order to ferociously protect its self-interest. They have immaturity from state and local land use law. They can build a nuclear plant, distribute alcohol. They have powers local communities don’t have. Do they abuse it? In my opinion, yes.’

In line with Disney’s previous dictatorial policies on their properties, Disney’s new city called Celebration will not have any elected government. Since the city is unincorporated (a neat Disney trick) the mayor is appointed by Disney. Several Disney ‘quasi-government’ bodies control citizens of the city. For instance, the Celebration Residential Owners Association, which participates in binding all residents to a Declaration of Covenants, a legal binder of rules that residents must live by. Of course the Declaration of Covenants was written by Disney. These rules include such nit picky things as, no more than two people can sleep in the same bedroom, no pickup trucks can be parked in front of homes, and if Disney officials don’t like your cat or dog they can forcibly remove the animal from your home. Disney Corp, has perpetrated numerous deceptions on the residents, including shoddy work on their homes, and operating their ‘public’ shcool with Disney cronies. Still, the residents that have moved into Celebration are glowing with praise for the town in spite of the fact that the city is totally run by Big Brother Disney Corporation.

Of course, those who don’t love it, soon leave. So much for the American tradition of self-government.”

*Steve Springmeier

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