Big Government and Big Business continue to water a dead flower

Big Government and Big Business continue to water a dead flower.

Your traitors in the political puppet show attended the ceremony to mark the laying of the foundation stone for the Hard Rock Hotel at St George’s Bay by the Malta-based db Group and Hard Rock International. Both Robert Abela and Bernard Grech were there. Since both leaders of the two major political parties attended this ‘memorable’ occasion, shows how they are both in the big fish pockets. And they’ll both probably attend the grand opening. These are the traitors you keep on voting for and if you have voted for them in the last election, you do not have the right to complain. You are part of the problem of the desecralisation of this once beautiful country, once an island, no more an island.

This will be a multi-million five-star hotel project, of 12 floors and 394 rooms including two residential towers, a massive mall, a 1,300sq.m supermarket, a beach lido on St George’s Bay and 1,300 parking spaces. St. George’s Bay was once a beautiful little hamlet which has been ruined in recent years with other developments. This will be the final nail in the coffin.

It’s a free country, home of the few rich. We have some dumbass floating around in this little island. Dumber than a second coat of paint. This ain’t just ranting and blowing off steam. It just seems to me that only a low IQ population could have taken this beautiful island that we were blissfully given by Stone Age hunters or farmers back in 5200BC. It was pristine. It was paradise.

Have you looked around you lately?

It has become embarassing.

And only a nation of unenlightened half-wits could have taken this beautiful island and turn it into what it is today – A SHOPPING MALL.


That’s all what Malta has been turned to: kilometre after kilometre of malls after malls. Major malls and mini malls. They put the mini malls in between the major malls. And in between the mini malls they put the mini marts. And in between the mini marts you find the gas stations, basmati convenience stores, African shops, buddha shops, fast food shops, pastizzerias, Turkish take-aways, Lebanese, Chinese, Indian, happy ending “massage” parlours, cafeterias, strip clubs, and bars.

That’s all what Malta has been turned to: kilometre after kilometre of hotels after hotels. Intercontinental Hotel, Hyatt hotel, Hugo hotel, db San Antonio Hotel & Spa, db Seabank Resort & Spa, and in between we even have the boutique ones! Dummy!

MALTA – the once beautiful island, is now one big cosmopolitan transcontinental multicultural commercial cesspool.

What do the Maltese people think about all this? Oh, they complain. And yet they flock to elect the same corrupt bullshitters in Parliament. So it seems to me that deep down, somewhere in their traumatized subconscious, they still think all this is fine and dandy.

In turning Malta into one big commercial cesspool, Big Business and Big Government are satisfying the two most prominent addictions of this nation at the same time: shopping and eating. Hundreds of Maltese people, day after day, shuffle around shopping and eating, especially eating.

The Maltese people are slowly attracted to the slow death of gluttony. Obese. No wonder we head the obesity graphs. Huge redundant protoplasm lumbering through the streets like a fleet of buses. Massive bellies, monstrous thighs, and big fat asses. Clueless men, Joe sixpack, with the monstrous swollen beer belly hanging dangerously over their beer belt buckle.

To become a nation full of efficient professional compulsive consumers is a civic duty. It’s the new national pastime and anthem. It’s consumption.

And while they do, the uglification of Malta continues. Another beautiful spot in Malta is being ruined, because the government has decided to ruin the little beauty that we have left.

“The db Group was the only bidder when the government had issued a controversial request for proposals for the development of the former Institute for Tourism Studies site in 2015.” The government is a disease masquerading as its own cure. These people don’t value Malta’s culture one bit because their sense of entitlement (including that to continue uglifying our country) trumps everything else. Plonkers. And yet they forget that even their children and grandchildren are going to be victims of their own greed.

It is shameful and disgusting, to say the least. It is a mortified underlopment. It’s an eyesore. Another one bites the dust.

This project is monstrous and totally out of place. I wish I was living a bad dream which I could wake up from but no. I wake up everyday to realise that the beautiful island I was raised in, is gone with the wind. Malta has been destroyed without recognition. I can’t Malta anymore. Malta is the new capital for greed in the EU.

Was there any mention of the digging of roads for drainage infrastructure which will be ‘dumped’ in the sea, perhaps? Car park for 1300 cars? Access through where? The narrow roads of Paceville? Won’t we have another shady beach in the dark for darkbathing? It’s the same like Sliema front. This is not about someone losing the plot. It’s about Big Government and Big Business colluding together for the deliberate ruin of our tiny once island. The phrase “unexplained wealth” rings my bells.

Are you still oblivious to what is truly happening? This is your new life without liberty, so the dumbass continue to shuffle around in a body without a spirit. There is no liberty without nature because nature is a source of knowledge and only a walk in nature walks your souls back home. Stop being dumbasses who think that your votes make a difference in the illusion of inclusion. What you are also missing is that 99%, part of the beach will also be given as a private concession to bring the project to its full completion. The beach will no longer be yours to use. No liberty. No spirit.

Silvio Debono, chairperson db Group, told guests the project will “not be a place but a destination”.

It might, with a big M, be a ‘destination’ for some and a ‘gold mine’ for others, however for the Maltese people and the residents, it is a nightmare. The locals are continuously being sidelined. The only destination of the Maltese people will be the airport, and a one-way ticket as they never look back to this toilet without a flushing, because that’s what this country has been turned into – a toilet without a flushing.

“As we look to the future, our focus is on attracting high-yield travellers while enriching the very essence of our tourism industry” Robert Abela said. Lol. Tickle your belly. I doubt such travellers would be interested in an eyesore like this unless they are dumbasses who like to shuffle around shopping and eating, attracted to the slow death of gluttony in a spiritless body of this spiritless world in a new Malta of Moral Decay. Travellers should flock to Malta to enjoy a stress free quiet natural place, with the Luzzu; small cafes; individual, small family-run shops; quaint villages; sunny days and crystal blue waters. Gone with the wind. All we have now is Big Money Projects of Big Business of Mr. Fancy Bow-Tie with Big Government of Mr. Fancy Bow-Tie in collusion with bribery and corruption of malls and hotels so to keep you imprisoned inside, dummy!

Come out Malta, you had a beautiful island steeped in history. We had a beautiful country with a rich history, quaint villages, crystal blue waters, good cuisine, kind welcoming people. This and more made us unique. That is what we should have built on. Malta has lost the charm it was known for at the hands of greedy people who surely did not appreciate our history and what Malta had to offer.

Somehow there isn’t a button that expresses the disgust I feel for the rampant greed on this once island. The most important drive these days is the accumulation of wealth as we line our pockets with money with no regard for the future generations who will have nothing left to enjoy. God and conscience have long gone out the window. Now money is our new God.

A newly set up corner of hell awaits those who are ripping the heart and soul of our islands as they trash you and throw you in trash around the trash. They will continue to whip you until your freckles sing.

A horrendous monstrosity. They missed a tree in the left hand corner. I am sure they could fit another block in there.

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