While Europe is committing suicide, Extremist Muslims in Sweden are demanding Sharia law

Extremist Muslims in Sweden are demonstrating and demanding Sharia law.

Why don’t they return to their country if they are so desperate for Sharia?

Europe is committing suicide. It “encouraged” people to settle in Europe as “temporary workers” for decades, particularly those from the Middle East and North Africa. Nobody in Europe thought they would stay. Still, they did. Even individuals who entered the country illegally were not asked to leave by anyone. In the words of Barbara Roche, the British Minister of State for Asylum and Immigration from 1999 to 2001, “Removal takes too long, and it’s emotional.” Naturally, why would they depart as well? Compared to their home country, Europe offered significantly better economic prospects, and in the event that employment dried up, there were substantial welfare benefits available. A period of time where immigrants may follow any culture they desired was made possible by Europe’s commitment to multiculturalism, if not encouraged. This did not work out well.

When German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister David Cameron boldly declared in 2011 that multiculturalism had failed, the leaders of these three countries had to say as much. The newcomers were then instructed to adopt Western ideals and assimilate. The governments of Europe reasoned that all the financial consequences, even the rare act of terrorism, could be ignored if that came to pass. However, it never took place. Additionally, immigration has just gone up.

In 2015, the populations of Sweden and Germany increased by 2% annually. Muhammad was the most common boys’ name in the UK by 2017. Therefore, what made European authorities decide to accept people from all over the world, regardless of how different or even in opposition their values were from European values, whether they were escaping conflict or just looking for a better life? “Guilt” is the answer in a nutshell to this query. One may argue that these people are escaping the effects of European imperialism. Did we not cruelly take advantage of these poor people back home? Are we not the reason they are suffering? It is intended to absolve them of this guilt by allowing them to enter Europe.

This particularly applies to Germany. Angela Merkel essentially declared to the world in 2015 that Germany, the country responsible for the Holocaust in the 20th century, would lead the world in humanitarian aid in the 21st.

Maybe this is a noble sentiment, but at what cost? The average European citizen, who has witnessed an exponential rise in both crime and terrorism. For the most part, or worse, their worries and annoyances have gone unanswered. The German government announced in October 2015 that the German municipality of Kassel would house 800 recently arriving immigrants. Residents with concerns gathered to question their leaders. The video demonstrates how civil and at ease the residents were. However, their president later tells them that those who disagreed with the policy may leave Germany and that the refugees would still be arriving despite their objections.

This official demeanor shifted the blame from the immigrants to the locals. It displays signs of exhaustion. The affluent class believes that the narrative of Europe is complete. They have experimented with religion and every kind of politics imaginable, and each has ended in catastrophe. They claim that everything we touched was polluted by them. So who’s to say that their absence wouldn’t make the world a better place?

Naturally, this perspective could only be held by those who are unaware of their good fortune. Ironically, no one is more knowledgeable than these genuine refugees who uphold western principles and have successfully assimilated. People such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born woman who fled the Netherlands because she valued the Enlightenment more than the Dutch did, or Hamed Abdel-Samad, an Egyptian political scientist living in Germany who faces threats from other immigrants for standing up for European ideals.

This is the stuff of suicide.

This is the self-annihilation of a culture.

And yet, we have various caricatures who are joining governments in this pact.

Are we about to witness the end of Europe or its rebirth?

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