What Times of Malta doesn’t tell you about the Renewable Green Energy

The Times of Malta drew together some more experts to tell you that “climate change will hit Malta hard. Here is what we can do.” One of the solutions given was the planting of trees. Waqalas! Did they discern it now? Even a three-year-old can give you this solution. Mhux you deport all the invaders and demolish all the property that has been built in the last forty years and turn them into public gardens and plant many trees instead!

Instead of the usual fearmongering about this fake climate change, which is yet another agenda, the Times of Malta should be doing some investigative work and hiring experts that inform you about the following.

The Renewable Green Energy is a paradox. Are you aware that solar panels lost their effectiveness after fifteen years, and are no longer useful, which makes them go to waste? Please be aware that solar panels’ waste is no common garbage, but it is incredibly toxic, and poses a significant risk to the environment because solar panel waste is 300 times more toxic than nuclear waste. It requires special disposal. But since it costs more than production, the Globalists decided not to bother and send the discarded panels to landfills in poor countries.

According to research, by 2030 there will be about 8 million tons of green waste, and by 2050 this amount will increase to 80 million tons.

In addition, surely we all know that wind turbines cannot last forever. But did you know that wind turbine blades cannot be recycled? While the metal towers can be recycled normally, the blades, which are a mixture of fibreglass, wood, and plastic, cannot. In the US for example, the cheapest option is to send fibreglass blades to landfills, which is causing controversy. Just about one blade is about as long as the windspan of a large commercial jet like a Boeing 747. And this is just on land. Off shore turbine blades can be twice as long. By 2050, there could be more than 40 million metric tonnes of blade waste piling up worldwide.

There is quite a lot of pushback from people who don’t want huge windmills built close to their houses and quite rightly so. They are noisy, and ugly. They kill birds by the thousands. They are also not very effective on days which are not windy. And when it’s too windy, they have to be turned off so they don’t rip themselves apart.

The so-called carbon footprint to make these huge machines is massive. And it’s even bigger when they are decommissioned. They last, on average, about 20 years. They can’t be burnt because it’s too toxic, so it has been decided that they are to be buried in landfills because breaking them down costs too much. This is not very green, isn’t it?

Talking about energy and grid towers, according to Wikipedia, the first grid tower in the UK was erected near Edinburgh in 1928. Its purpose was to transport electricity to the outer reaches of the mainland, supplying its ever growing population with the power needed for expansion into the industrial revolution. Before the expansion of the national grid, businesses used local coal or gas-fired generators and all manner of contractions to peddle their factories. So the emergence with electricity delivered to the British doorstep, so to speak, was hugely popular.

We have been led to believe that these high-tension power lines transport electricity from one place to another. This is true. But the thousands of miles of cable have another lesser known purpose and that purpose, could change the way you think about power generation. And it also begs the question: “Why the heck are they keeping this information from us?”

What about getting knowledgeable about the fact that we are to have free energy, an energy that the Globalists are still harvesting up until today, charging us a premium for what we can get for free. Don’t pylons just collect electricity from the atmosphere and send it back to the electricity companies, and then we pay it while they get it freely and for free? Why are we being charged for a naturally occurring resource which is in limitless amounts all around us? It is like we are being made to pay for the very air that we breathe.

The proponents of the “human-induced climate change” thesis would support nuclear power if they genuinely cared about lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Because they don’t, it becomes clear that their true goal is to use the phrase “saving the planet” as a pretext to replace individual liberty, representative democracy, and national sovereignty with an authoritarian, centrally planned one-world government run by unelected globalist technocrats.

Is the critical thinking side of your brain acting up?

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