Through the Laws, Maltese courts have turned against the people who are defending this country and its people

Through the laws, the Maltese courts have turned against the people who are defending this country.

We all know how the propaganda machine and the communist mouthpieces have succeeded in making the gullible masses believe that Norman Lowell is a racist, an extremist, and a Nazi sympathizer when truly, Lowell has been defending this nation and its people from the migrant invasion. Everything he said in 2005 in his golden speech in Safi, came true and we are going through it now. Whether you agree with Imperium Europa policies or not, you cannot deny that he spoke Truth that day.

Lowell was also labelled as another conspiracy theorist about the Jews. Lowell was already warning the nation of the controllers – the Zionists, as this site speaks about. But in this country of anaesthesia, what cannot be understood, is mocked. And if you are seen as a threat to the evil agendas, you are dragged to court.

Lowell was dragged to court, and on 27th March 2008 he was sentenced to a two-year jail term, suspended for four years. The charges? Three charges of racial hatred and one charge of insulting the President of Malta. “He won the case relating to insults hurled at the President of Malta on grounds of freedom of speech but was also ordered to pay a fine of 500 euros for racist terminology against Jews. Judge Quintano ruled that while a politician is free, this freedom is limited by the fact that Jews make up a part of the Maltese society and that no matter how small that part is, such talk constitutes racial hatred.”

What a sad day for Malta was that day! The courts have turned into an enemy of the people they should be defending. The Maltese Court is in cahoots with the media which twists and moulds its reporting to target specific individuals who truly mean well for this country, and with the Establishment which is moving us to a totalitarian state with the ‘hate speech’ law.

Speaking of the evil media, “On 10 January 2006 Lowell filed a civil libel suit against Malta Today editor Saviour Balzan. Lowell contends that two of the publication’s articles, one entitled ‘Norman Lowell organises BBQ’, and another entitled ‘Lowell’s neo-Nazis hit out at press after arson attack’, as well as an editorial entitled ‘Get the bastards now, before it is too late’, constitute a ‘coordinated, strategic, and orchestrated’ effort to undermine his public reputation.”

BUT, we come to the but. When we had the 2017 case “involving the arrest of nine Malian people who were kept in detention for three months pending the arrival of official documents so that they could be returned to Mali”, all for migrants lawyer Gianluca Cappitta of Mifsud & Mifsud Advocates “had filed a constitutional case challenging the validity of the arrest and detention and any eventual deportation. The court had upheld all challenges but the appeal court reversed the decision on the deportation.”

Because the law has been written in such a way that the invaders are always protected; because the law has been written in such a way that this organised invasive agenda must be accepted, tolerated and assimilated. But when people like Norman Lowell come out defending the country and speaking truth, they are not depicted as ‘law-abiding’ and ‘compliant’ unlike the invaders, who are always protected by the same discriminative law.

Our institutions are not functioning. The court has been hijacked and it has become an enemy of the truth, a truth it should be defending while wearing the blindfold, at all cost.

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