The signing of the U.N. Migration Pact – the PL is a traitor of the Maltese nation

Please read here for information about the U.N. Migration Pact.

PL betrayed our country when it signed the UN Migration Pact. In doing so, it surrendered the sovereignty and independence of Malta to the Globalist One World Government, the U.N., the cesspool of evil. What a bunch of traitors and usurpers we have in the City Assemblage of the Political Puppets On a String Show.

But the Maltese masses cannot fully grasp the implications and the dangers of all this because they treat their government as almighty, holy and infallible. The government is the enemy of the people, full of professional scoundrels who adhere to the demonic agenda of the tribe of Cain in Brussels and the U.N. They are obedient servants of the Globalists, their masters.

It was in September 2016 that the General Assembly decided to develop a global compact for migration through the adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. The process for the development of this global compact started in April 2017 and it was on 13th July that the UN Member States finalized the text for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

 The Intergovernmental Conference to adopt this global compact took place in Marrakech, Morocco, on the 10th and 11th of December 2018, convened under the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly, held pursuant to resolution 71/1 of 19th September 2016, entitled “New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants,” which decided to launch a process of intergovernmental negotiations leading to the adoption of the Global Compact for Migration.

The UN Global Compact was announced by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in an address to the World Economic Forum on 31 January 1999 and was officially launched at UN Headquarters in New York City on 26 July 2000. It was signed by multiple European nations, 181 nations to be exact was the number of nations which voted in favour. The United States and Hungary voted against. Eritrea, Libya, and the Dominican Republic abstained from the vote.

Who signed this pact behind the population’s back? The current government – the same Labour Government with Dr Joseph Muscat at the helm at the time. The same Muscat who had stated “I will not accept Malta become the new Lampedusa.” The same Muscat who had promised a push back but who is on record later stating that foreigners come to Malta because there is ample opportunity for employment. Please read here so that you understand how Muscat lied through his teeth to the Maltese nation.

“We do not go abroad to talk against Malta. We do not exhibit happiness with foreigners who want to steal our jobs” – Dr. Joseph Muscat.

It was foreign Minister Carmelo Abela back then who endorsed it, saying that the pact was “an important political declaration” and the first UN document that deals with migration in a comprehensive manner.Carmelo Abela betrayed us. Please note we were not only betrayed but for some ‘mysterious’ reason, there was no mention about it by the local oracles of lies and manipulation – the mainstream media. Neither did the opposition speaker mentioned it. And suddenly, just like that, MaltaToday writes a write-up that Malta is to endorse the UN Global Impact on Migration.

When this pact was being amended, and while this country was distracted with the abortion debate, the PL government signed it again which means that the quota has been doubled! Bunch of spineless jokers, haters of your own country, that’s what you all are! You have betrayed your own nation. The government, the media and the opposition are responsible for turning Malta into a Haiti!

Multiculturalism from different cultures and identities which are incompatible with ours is a national and security threat. With this type of multiculturalism, crime rates explode. According to the democratic social contract between the people and the politicians, changes that affect society in a negative way are to be brought about with a vote by the people. Anything else, is just warfare on the people. This means, that since we neither lost any war nor voted for all this, as democracy requires, multiculturalism from cultures and identities which are not compatible with ours is an illegal and illegitimate act and system.

The Maltese nation is to be reminded that this power started under a Nationalist government which had also changed the social construction by the same government against the will and knowhow of the same people.

The Maltese nation is to be reminded that the Labour government had promised a push back, vowing that the UN migration pact won’t be signed. And yet, Minister Carmelo Abela signed it behind the people’s back. This is a contract that filled people with 23 million invaders until 2023. This is the same contract that when revised, the quota increased by another 23 million!!

The Labour government’s success was due to an economic model which came at the expense of prostituting our identity through jobs on the unrestrained importation of cheap labour. At the same time, the Labour government manipulates our currency for an illusory economic growth. The Labour government also manipulates the demand in the market for products and services, of which the Maltese people have been priced out! This is all being done to cover and support the businesses of the Globalists!

The Maltese people voted in this government. It is time to vote it out, but refrain from shifting to the other party, the traitor in blue! Everything is being organised on a nation that is under the effect of a long-term anaesthesia!

Our ‘stop the boats’ policy is still in effect. Now we should also do ‘stop the planes policy’ to refuse the legal migrants that are being brought here by money-making agencies.

Malta is doomed. Look what is happening in the UK thanks to the UN destroyers and their puppets – the governments. The Maltese people have a right to put a lot of pressure on these bunch of jokers who are elected by the same people to represent us and to speak in our name; to defend us and TO SERVE us!

Politicians that fail this job are to be fired by the people, without any other possibility to come back to haunt us in the City Assemblage or at the backdoor! They are to be exempted from touching any political sector again, both in direct and indirect ways.

Now, most European citizens are joining forces together to save the European culture, the European identity, the European nation, the European future, our children’s future, and our homes from the invasion. Malta needs to wake up.

In 1421, the Maltese people had to purchase the Maltese islands from Don Gonsalvo Monroy for 30,000 florins pieces of silver. Hundreds of years later and the Maltese people lost their only home and their society!

Joseph Muscat and Robert Abela betrayed our country and its people.


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