The Racial Discrimination in Housing – another reason why Times of Malta has ramped up attacks against landlords

Last May, this site tackled how the Labour Government is forcing more integration programmes on the Maltese nation through its Human Rights Directorate – the new project called ‘Towards the implementation of an Anti-Racism Strategy for Malta’ ((END-RACISM-MT).

This project is very much head over heels and up to its neck working to implement this strategy. It distributed the following leaflets which a reader of this site has picked up from a police station:

Notice how Big Government is colluding with Big Stakeholders to restrict the freedom of the Maltese people, in a pro-hatred campaign against the Maltese people who the Government should be serving, first and foremost!

The information provided on this leaflet, is supported by the government, through its Human Rights Directorate within the Ministry for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality, under the auspices of Minister Byron Camilleri, in such a project funded by the European Union’s ‘Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values’ programme [2021-2027].

All those in this diabolical partnership are Riformi, Human Rights, Diversit, Enar (European Network Against Racism), Kopin, NCPE (National Commission for the Promotion of Equality), and L-Universita’ ta’ Malta – all co-funded by the European Union.

All of these, dear Maltese people, are colluding together against the national interest in order to bring about more forced integration programmes on you.

This site has been to a police station and noticed that these leaflets were released in various languages, including Arabic.

The leaflet is entitled: “Racial Discrimination in Housing – What to look out for and how to act.”

Quoting parts of this leaflet, one finds:

“Do you live in a rented property? Have you ever experienced racial discrimination in housing while renting in Malta? Discrimination refers to any distinction, exclusion, or preference which is based on any ground such as race, sex, or religion, and which has the purpose of impairing the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing, of all rights and freedoms.

Specifically housing discrimination on a racial basis may take place when an individual or group are denied, either directly or indirectly, the right to buy or rent any housing on the basis of ‘race’, ethnicity or colour, amongst various other grounds.

Measure 19 of the Anti-Racism Strategy deals with housing discrimination and therefore, the Human Rights Directorate in partnership with other relevant stakeholders is intent on ensuring that such discrimination is prevented and, when it is not, violations are prosecuted according to the law.

Maltese legislation prohibits such discrimination through the Equal Treatment of Persons Order (2007) wherein any discrimination based on race or ethnic origin in relation to goods and services as well as their supply has been made illegal. This includes access to and supply of housing, with persons found to be infringing the law facing a fine or imprisonment, or both. Apart from such legislation, access to decent housing is a basic fundamental human right that is safeguarded on a European right that is safeguarded on a European scale so as to allow the full participation of all peoples in the general society.”

The leaflet then goes on to give a list of factors on how the invaders can recognise some signs of housing discrimination on a racial basis; how the invaders are to know their rights; what are their rights in Malta; and that if an invader believes that he is a victim of racial discrimination in housing, s/he is to speak up or file a complaint with the Housing Authority, under the auspices of Minister Roderick Galdes, the NCPE and Aġenzija Appoġġ.

All of these stakeholders and your Labour government are working under the auspices of the UN – the cesspool of evil and the One World Government, whose migration pact criminalizes criticism of immigration as ‘hate speech.’

No wonder they are all coming out defending the invaders, disseminating such leaflets to police stations to induce police investigation, and investigation which has been probed with a local case in Malta.

Do you understand why the corporate media, in cahoots with the agenda of the Labour Government and these stakeholders, peddled one article after the next against landlords but in favour of the invaders?

The attack on Malta’s national interest continues, at behest of the United Nations. These local enablers, strengthened by the media, are unperturbed about Malta and its people, but driven by an evil decree, metamorphosized by the Courts, they have become their country’s anathema.

Instead of giving birth to a new Malta, these traitors, in low parentis, are guilty of coitus interruptus. You, Maltese nation, are being aborted before you are conceived.

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