The politics of hatred and immaturity of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Neville Gafa – is Karl Gouder’s delicate case politically related or not?

Before I start this piece, I would like to let the readers know that it is not easy for me to write about such a sensitive topic and context, especially when something like this hits home. It could have been an ordinary citizen. It doesn’t matter. It is a delicate case. I get sad, angry and a mix of emotions stir in my abdomen and knowing what is going on worldwide, amplifies everything.

But considering that the one-liner that all media portals gave us was that “the death is not being treated as suspicious” without giving any specific details, I find it apt that this site continues to pose questions for the sake of justice and the truth.

Since it was not suspicious, then this site assumes that there was no weapon involved. But, speculations have risen concerning the death of Karl Gouder. There are reports that Karl Gouder committed suicide after being blackmailed.

Karl Gouder’s family also made a public plea for information on days which led to his death. The Nationalist Party also urged people to go to the inquiring magistrate with any information.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s post stirred some controversy:

The post alludes to blackmail. Fingers pointed at Neville Gafa. But Orlando did not mention any names. Pullicino Orlando apparently had proof he submitted to the police who are in turn, being pressured to investigate.

Considering the not-so-loving exchanges between Gafa and Mark Camilleri, the latter also jumped on this bandwagon, when there is a magisterial inquiry which is taking care of this. But revenge always tastes sweet for Mark Camilleri.

This was Neville Gafa’s blog about Karl Gouder:

Gafa then wrote and posted this:

A good autopsy might reveal the truth which maybe and hopefully, reveals if Karl Gouder felt suddenly ill, like a heart attack or a stroke, leaned on a wall and fell involuntarily down under. Or if it was a voluntary fall, which Orlando and Camilleri have concluded to be politically related.

All options are plausible and possible. But if Karl Gouder was being blackmailed, why didn’t he file a police report for investigation and to then proceed to court? Also, considering that he had just announced his run for the PN General Secretary Post, meaning that he had goals, dreams and targets which were officially public, why did we then have his sudden, unexpected passing? According to a recent 2023 study, “many men express their distress prior to suicide through externalizing symptoms such as aggressiveness, antisocial, and risk-taking behaviour, irritability, and increased addictive behaviour.” In their review, Hunt et al. found that prior to suicide, “men were often in a more positive mood in the days before the suicide compared to the weeks and months before. In most cases, men made hints about their suicidal thoughts beforehand, as well as showing a lack of problem-solving skills and increased anger in the time before the suicide.”

So we need to continue asking questions because we are neither the police doing the investigations on proof presented; we are neither the magistrates and we are not in the shoes of the persons involved. We were also not around to witness it all nor were we in Mr Gouder’s life and state of mind and heart. I am here, but, as a writer, asking questions and analysing for truth and justice to be served without spitting out confusion. So, please, I hope that I am not misinterpreted.

In addition, I condemn both posts of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and that of Gafa. Such posts again show that we have immature men in the political field that just grasp at each other with hatred, and that they do not know how to expose information in public with respect and dignity. And then we want the Maltese nation to elevate itself to a denser humanity level.

On the other hand, I was very pleased to read how Karl Gouder showed support in a message exchange with Luke Dalli, which shows that in politics we can have gentlemen and friendships, as it should be.

Do we have a situation where people are scraping the bottom of the barrel to confuse this delicate situation and jump to conclusions? An autopsy might help us understand what caused the death, and most importantly, what happened to Mr Gouder’s body before this tragedy struck.

Again, I feel very saddened about this.

This site sends sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.


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