The Pact for the Future: global shocks and climate emergency

The Summit of the Future keeps on receiving little coverage from our corporate press. Last Saturday, Lovin Malta gave you another mini-article informing you that during this summit, “Robert Abela Calls For Withdrawal Of ‘Foreign Fighters’ From Libya At The UN General Assembly.” From all other important matters, especially the contents of this newly signed pact, this is what this corporate, manipulative, lying press distracts you from. X’pastażata ta’ media!

In the meantime, the vast majority of the public has no idea that worldwide governments have signed this so-called Pact for the Future and what awaits ahead. This document is expected to radically accelerate the push towards the completion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030.

During the 79th annual UN General Assembly session, the Summit of the Future was held. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has repeatedly called for a change in financial resources to quickly fulfill the Agenda 2030 targets that the UN set in 2015. As a result, the summit has been in the works since at least 2022.

The majority of people on the planet will undoubtedly be impacted by this historic gathering, but the corporate and so-called independent media have given it very little and nearly no attention, respectively. One topic that has gained widespread attention is the complaint letter signed by 77 Nobel laureates and world leaders against the removal of references to fossil fuels from the Pact for the Future. After the letter was made public, the references were added back in.

The debate over fossil fuels aligns with the UN’s narrative of the coming end of the world due to climate change. The Summit of the Future was called, and calls for fortifying UN infrastructure have resulted from this alarm over climate change.

The topic of the Summit, “Ultilateral Solutions for A Better Tomorrow,” exemplifies the purpose of this assembly. Specifically, an effort to improve the UN’s ability to address crises that are supposedly going to arise in the upcoming years by strengthening and even reforming it.

The UN is concentrating on a number of so-called possible global emergencies, such as conflict, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change which they blame humanity for, as they have been ordered by their masterminds at the top. According to the UN, more coordination and collaboration between UN member states will be necessary to address these possible crises since they are too big for any one nation-state to handle on their own. Meaning, we need all worldwide puppets to be compliant to its orders.

“We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the centre, must be strengthened to keep pace with a changing world. They must be fit for the present and the future – effective and capable, prepared for the future, just, democratic, equitable and representative of today’s world, inclusive, interconnected, and financially stable,” the latest draft of the Pact for the Future states.

The Last American Vagabond (TLAV) also reported that the Summit of the Future is also expected to include calls for remaking the UN into what has been called “UN 2.0”.

The readers would surely be ‘pleased’ to know that after the release of the third draft of the Pact for the Future on August 27, the UN member states had to review it. Were we informed by the press about this? Even a press conference by the government would have been fine. This draft carried on the conversation about “global shocks” and the need for a worldwide reaction to them.

A “coordinated and multidimensional international response to complex global shocks and the central role of the United Nations in this regard,” for instance, is stated in the section titled “We will strengthen the international response to complex global shocks.”

The UN defines “complex global shocks” as events that “have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population.” These shocks would require a “multidimensional multistakeholder, and whole of government, whole of society response.”

The document says “armed conflict” does not constitute a complex global shock”, but could lead to “impacts across multiple sectors.”

The activation of “emergency platforms” would be required in response to these possible shocks, perhaps giving the UN greater authority to handle these apparent emergencies. According to the document, “protocols for convening and operationalising emergency platforms based on flexible approaches to respond to a range of different complex global shocks” will be provided by the UN to member states – meaning, that the one world government will give orders to the compliant, spineless puppets in government to carry out and bring forth the new world order.

Opponents of the UN worry that these emergency platforms will be taken advantage of and used to give the UN new legal authority, despite the UN’s insistence that they will only be “convened for a finite period” and will not be a permanent institution or body with regard to state sovereignty. What’s your bet?

Calls for an Emergency Platform are akin to requests for the UN to declare a global emergency, as TLAV has previously highlighted. For the past year, UN-affiliated groups such as the Climate Governance Commission (CGC), another of those screwing organizations, have been advocating for the issuance of such a proclamation.

The readers should also know that it was just before the opening of the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, exactly in late November 2023, that the Climate Governance Commission, another screwing commission, released a report titled “Governing Our Planetary Emergency,” where, of course, the ideas on governance continued to be updated—meaning, they updated more measures for totalitarian control.

Do you remember the series on this site about the Club of Rome? Please type ‘Club of Rome’ in the search section of this site if you do not know about this nefarious, infamous, and obscure club. Why am I bringing it up? Because the Planetary Emergency can be traced back to it. In fact, the Climate Governance Commission’s November 2023 report notes that the belief in a ‘polycrisis’ is ‘recognized in the work of the Club of Rome Planetary Emergency Project.” This reference should be raising eyebrows and should be a wake up call. We must be concerned about this push for a planetary emergency and claims of crossing planetary boundaries.

The Club of Rome has been calling for declaring a Planetary Emergency since at least 2019 with the publication of their “Planetary Emergency Plan”. The report would be updated in August 2020, after the beginning of COVID1984. The Club of Rome’s Emergency Plan is described as a “roadmap for governments and other stakeholders to shift our societies and economies to bring back balance between people, planet and prosperity”.

The belief that mankind is facing a planetary emergency and that the UN has to have more power and influence is ultimately what motivates the push for an emergency platform as part of the Pact for the Future. The paper prefers multilateralism or global governance over the terms “world” or “global government,” but the end result is the same: a stronger United Nations with more power to act and compel nation states to follow its directives.

For example, under a section titled “Transforming Global Governance”, the UN document outlines “Action 41”: We will transform global governance and reinvigorate the multilateral system to tackle the challenges, and seize the opportunities, of today and tomorrow.” The section continues by outlining the various ways in which the Pact for the Future seeks to reform and give the UN more authority and power to address the global emergencies.

In the next piece, this site will tackle the financial part of this pact.

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