The New Venezuelan Migrant Gang Activity in Aurora, Colorado

Serious reports are coming in from the Aurora-Denver Colorado area of cartel gangs from Venezuela going to “New Jack City” and taking over apartment buildings. Would you believe that this is happening in 2024? Two apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado have been taken over by a gang from Venezuela. After contacting the local authorities, the landlord was informed that nothing could be done. After that, the landlord called the FBI. They claimed that there was nothing they could do. The residents within the flat are being charged rent by this Venezuelan gang, who have taken over the property and are acting as though they are the landlords. The actual landlord is unable to have these persons removed in the interim. The Venezuelan gang brings in additional gang members till they take over the building as soon as the residents vacate the apartment complexes. With firearms. It’s not safe anymore. It’s what they desire. an internal assault. America is becoming a mad place, and eventually all the countries that have been overrun by migrant invasions will be in peril. It will be disorganized. There are other accounts of kidnappings of children. With their firearms, they are securing the area. This gang has also greenlighted its members and is also attacking Aurora’s local police. When the government can’t help you, it’s up to you and your homies to make things right.

Aurora Co-Mayor, Mike Coffman doesn’t know how this gang and the Venezuelan tenants ended up all in the same properties in this city. He thinks that they could have been sent there by federal officials:

“There are several buildings actually under the same ownership, out of state ownership, that have fallen to these Venezuelan gangs. I’m trying to walk it back and do the investigation as to how there’s a concentration of Venezuelans in these three buildings. Somebody put them there and somebody funded it, whether it’s federal government or not. We’re trying to find out who these gangs are, which are apparently attracted to where there’s a concentration of Venezuelan migrants. And so, they’ve, in fact, have kind of pushed out the property management through intimidation and then collected the rents we have now or have had. It is ongoing operations with a task force of local law enforcement, state law enforcement partners, and federal law enforcement partners to root them. And arrests have been made, but these operations are now still ongoing with the arrests that have been made. You know, this is an organized criminal effort. Whether it’s Tren de Aragua, that remains to be seen. But it really doesn’t matter. I mean, if they are, if they are, you know, Venezuelan migrants and they are conducting crime, in an organized understood, they are a problem. So, here’s the problem. I think we are a victim of a failed policy at the southern border because what you have, Venezuelan, does not cooperate, according to my law enforcement, Venezuela does not cooperate with the United States in sharing criminal histories. You’ve had a third of the country leave. You’ve had these massive waves of migrants coming across the border, that many of them crossed the border illegally, were arrested, asked for political asylum, were not adequately vetted, were released into the country. The city of Aurora, we did everything we could, to quite frankly, keep them out of the city because it’s not our problem. This is a federal problem. This is a problem borne by the federal government. But what I think, what we’re trying to find out, and what I believe occurred was that federal agencies worked with some of our local nonprofits and put them there. Now, most of these people are very good, good people, but there’s a criminal element that from what I understand what law enforcement is, it often follows them and tends to exploit them within their own migrant community. And so, we believe that that is happening now. We’re the 51st largest city in America with over 400,000 in population. This is only several apartment complexes. But nonetheless, I’m not going to surrender any part of this city to a criminal element. We are aware that in the Denver metropolitan area, that there are elements of Tren de Aragua there. And so, you know, we are, in terms of how our police operate, the tactics that what they are doing to protect themselves, is, you know, is our number one priority.”

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