The Mindset of Immigrants

Author Gad Saad summarizes his experiences in speaking with Muslims of the Arabic world and the mindset they bring as immigrants:

“The West is a woman to be mounted. All of the traits that we consider virtuous in the West – magnanimity, compassion, endless empathy, kindness – what is read by those folks is weakness, weakness, weakness, and weakness.”

It seems that the Wokesters do not want to listen.

The path of Islam is always the same. First, establish a mosque. Then create an enclave. Grow the population. Claim victimhood. Resist host authorities and customs. Exploit lawfare. Institute Shariah. Secede. Take control.

And this is what the Far-Left is taking us to with the unholy alliance with Islam. It is not true that your government wants to protect you. He is in cahoots with immigrants. You are the one to go.

They tell you they are refugees, and you need to show sympathy. I am still trying to figure out how we can justify calling them such, when they were not fleeing from anything.

The invaders are offended by the way a Western woman dresses, cartoons, and words. And yet they are not offended by marital rape, sex slavery, beheadings, honour killing, mob lynching, suicide bombings, forced conversions, persecuting minorities, burning people alive, and vandalizing minority temples.

The governments are prioritizing interests in favour of the immigrants, at the expense of justice—this is a major threat to peace.

We have seen how extremist Muslims are demonstrating and demanding Sharia law in Sweden. If they left a country they hated, in which they had Sharia law, why are they demanding it in a new country? Did they leave their country to escape Sharia law, or did they come to a new country to invade it and take over? No nation can withstand two incompatible rules of law. Since it is impossible to reconcile the rule of law in Sweden with Sharia law, those who want to live under Sharia law should migrate to a country that governs according to Sharia law.

But other countries will do much better for the invaders. In these new countries, the governments, traitors of their own citizens, on which they are committing and permeating a cold genocide, get free housing, free medical care, free schooling, cash, and special treatment. It is no rocket science, yes?

They invade other countries, and then they make these countries their home and pretend that country to change its laws for specific beliefs, instead of respecting and adapting to that country’s laws and values.

But, well, this poster says it all:

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