The media, the radio DJs, the politicians and the self-professed experts are your enemy as they voice the climate change rubbish

The media and broadcasting are continuing to bombard the masses’ brains with climate propaganda. TVM, ONE and NET are the enemy, and they do so as instructed by the Globalist Agenda. They brainwash those who have a blue and red political obsessive compulsive disorder. The political OCDs.

The radio DJs etc., are also voicing rubbish like that. We had got an earful during ‘covid-iocy’ whereby they stressed on the “O” to sound more English than the English.

We have never negated that climate change does not exist. Climate change has happened since the creation of Earth since it is part of the natural process. As Professor Ian Plimer had often stated, the world has just come out of a mini ice-age so what do you think the climate will do? It will get warmer.

What we are challenging is the mainstream narrative, which feeds the masses with guilt and blame that climate change is human-induced, so that the psychopathic Globalists can justify their psychopathic fuckeries like the Green Deal, a bullshit deal which they have just painted green.

During this ‘climate change’ distraction it’s important to keep a sharp eye on what the banks are up to in the meantime. “Print” or “Go Green” say the new APS ATM digital wallet machines. I choose “print.”

Thank you for recycling your plastic and glass bottles and cans so that you get back your 10c tax, says the BCRS machine. But please don’t forget to print the paper voucher when finished.

With all the rest of the climate agenda bullshit, we add the universal basic income, the digital ID, and the personalised carbon and nitrogen footprints.

This is all New World Order of the One World Government arsenal against humanity.

While in Malta, floods occur when clouds turn into humans and decide to pee, other nations like Vietnam and Greece, Athens to be precise, are flooding not because of the human-induced climate change, as they want to make you believe. It is because of flash floods caused by the globalists’ weather geoengineering. The globalists think they are God, and we are their slaves, to do what they demand while we go down on our knees to revere them. They are manipulating the weather with technology which has existed for years.

But TVM, ONE and NET never mention such matters.

Please remember that in Malta we had the invention of a new committee of doom – an authority for climate change, meaning that there is a board of selected people who are paid huge and phenomenal salaries to screw you while sticking the climate change agenda in your part where the sun doesn’t shine as they convene to authorize the orders, which have to be justified.

And while the climate change theatre affects the audience, it does not affect the leading actors, with their luxurious yachts and private jets.

Climate change is just the made-up catastrophe used by the Globalists and the Socialists to instill fear and guilt, to tax, regulate and remove our freedoms while pretending to be saving the planet. In reality, they are the ones destroying the earth and its destruction has become very efficient. Just wait until advanced machines begin exterminating people. The entire climate change agenda is an invention of psychotic globalists and does not correspond to reality. If you believe in this climate politics, which is a global reset tool, you are a climitard.

You are the target. But it’s always the one who claps first that sets the auditorium into loud cheer. Let’s lead, follow and keep going.

These orders will be used to implement measures against you.

You are the target. But it’s always the one who claps first that sets the auditorium into loud cheer. Let’s lead, follow and keep going.

These orders will be used to implement measures against you, measures as per the Globalist agenda.

You are the target. But it’s always the one who claps first that sets the auditorium into loud cheer. Let’s lead, follow and keep going.

How will they trick you? They will induce in you, through an emotional propaganda, guilt feelings.

What they will never tell you is the following:

  1. that the local microclimate has been destroyed by the destruction of trees, agriculture, fields, and the konkos and tarmac industry. In this way heat retaining capacity and the heat stress index have been amplified while the possibility of precipitation has been reduced.
  2. that none of the climate change predictions have come true
  3. The self-professed experts will never admit the irreparable damage that is being done to the Mediterranean and European weather via geo-engineering.

The cycle of climate change is natural. It is a reality that exists. Two millennia ago, wheat was supplied to the Roman Empire by Leptis Magna. It’s a desert now. As a result of the overcrowding that St. Paul discovered when he arrived in Ephesus, the city itself began to collapse. This illustrates the principle that where man cannot sustain nature, nature will not support man. We also know that droughts in the area encouraged barbarians to attack the lush territory the Romans inhabited, and that there were more incidents of this kind that contributed to the instability in the eastern portion of the Roman Empire and ultimately to its fall.

We know from historical chronicles that climate change is a natural occurrence and that it is solely used for profit these days.

Let us switch off the foolishness of the European media, so we are spared from all their bullshit.

The media is the enemy.

The government is the enemy.

The opposition party is the enemy.

You are the target, but you have the power and you are bullet proof.

But it’s always the one who claps first that sets the auditorium into loud cheer. Let’s lead, follow and keep going.

Media-induced guilt. We need to do something to clean the air. Why don’t they order the industries to do something without shouldering the solutions onto the populace as the usual problem-reaction-solution hypocritical way of doing things?
media-induced nonsense and guilt. This is the problem created of course. Can you think of the reaction and what their solution will be?

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