The hypocritical feminists are silent about the gender apartheid of women in Taliban

In August, the Taliban released a plethora of new “vice and virtue” rules that were sanctioned by their supreme commander, Hibatullah Akhundzada. These laws stipulate that women are required to cover their entire body, including their faces, at all times when they are in public in order to prevent men from succumbing to temptation and vice.

In a nutshell, according to this law, women are banned from:

  • speaking in public
  • showing any skin
  • looking at men they aren’t related to

According to this law, women’s voices will not be permitted to be heard in public since they are thought to be potential instruments of vice. It is also forbidden for women to be heard, even inside their homes, singing or reading aloud.

Afghan women are also forbidden from looking directly at men to whom they are not connected by blood or marriage going forward, and taxi drivers risk punishment if they accept to drive a woman who is not accompanied by a qualified male chaperone.

If women or girls do not comply, Taliban personnel tasked with enforcing the new laws have the authority to imprison and punish them as they see fit.

In the three years since seizing power from the US-backed government, the Taliban have excluded women and girls from almost every aspect of public life and denying them access to the justice system.

Before this latest law was passed, “women and girls were already blocked from attending secondary school; banned from almost every form of paid employment; prevented from walking in public parks, attending gyms or beauty salons; and told to comply with a strict dress code.

Earlier this year, the Taliban also announced the reintroduction of the public flogging and stoning of women for adultery.

Considering that the Taliban is a US-backed government, why hasn’t there been any statement from the White House? Aren’t the American people funding all this?

Where is the outrage?

And the feminists have their mouth zipped.

Shame on all of the extreme “women’s rights” activists that don vaginal hats. Right now, where are you? You have essentially contributed to the eradication of girls and women.

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