The Genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh

There is still widespread violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. According to reports, it is Muslims who continue to lynch them. As I look at so many massacres taking place around the world, I am puzzled as to why there is silence but then the unholy alliance between Marxism, Leftism, Muslims and Islam comes to mind.

Maybe you didn’t hear, because our local media is not reporting anything of this. Imbasta bil-multicultural agenda! But there is a genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh. The Hindus in Bangladesh are being persecuted. The Hindu Community is being violently massacred with the burning of Hindu temples, the looting of their homes, and murders. Mobs are robbing and destroying places of worship, stealing from companies, and killing without impunity. This is a targeted attack which goes beyond violence. It’s an effort to drive the populace from their own territory.

Please watch this short seven minute footage:

Muhammad Yunus, the head of the interim government of Bangladesh, has called the attacks on minorities in the country “heinous”. Over the weekend of the second week of August, the Hindu community hit the streets across major cities of Bangladesh. This was the biggest street protest after the collapse of the government the week before.

As part of their solidarity with the Hindus of Bangladesh who have been subjected to genocide by Muslims for several days, hundreds of thousands of Hindus took to the streets.

However, according to Al Jazeera, the videos circulated by several Indian media outlets, showing Muslims [Islamist forces] attacking Hindus in Bangladesh in the wake of PM Hasina being unseated in a mass popular uprising, are false and misleading, because even two Muslim houses were burnt. According to Al Jazeera, these videos are peddling misleading news. Al Jazeera added that news articles also alleged Bangladesh’s protests were influenced by Pakistani and Chinese Intelligence, trying to turn it into an Islamic State. Some news agencies urged the Indian government to prepare for a mass influx of Hindus, soon to be driven out of Bangladesh. Amid this political unrest, there have been attacks on minority groups. According to some analysts, Indian media is exaggerating the scale. 119 people, mostly affiliated with the Awami League, have been killed by mob violence, with several homes belonging to Awami League politicians, both Muslim and Hindu, have been attacked, acts that analysts think were motivated by political affiliation and having nothing to do with religion.

Then why are there riots? Surely, the Indian media might engage in some sensationalism. And surely, some videographers do engage in propaganda to immerse more confusion. And we must always rise above the propaganda. But why are there riots?

Whatever the scenario and the reasons, in this case it doesn’t matter who is committing what. Why? Because we have yet another riot. We have yet another chaotic situation. During the above riots, angry mobs attacked several police stations. which led several members of the police force to go on strike.

And soon the Globalists will bring about the order, their order, out of the chaos, their chaos, which they create because ‘you are out of control.’

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