The Elitist Government for the Elite and Elitism is encashing the few with millions to protect the rich

We live in a system that opposes the entire world except the rich.

It is the poor who are punished. Inflation or not, there are those who are still doing very well, and always have been and always will be.

Please refrain from calling the Labour Government, the Maltese Government or the Government of Malta. Call it the Elitist Government for the Elite and Elitism.

“A €27 million government investment in the independent school sector will prevent significant fee increases while providing financial assistants to the respective schools.

The agreement, reached between the government and the Independent Schools Association (ISA), was approved by Cabinet earlier today, and will directly benefit 8,244 students and the 967 educators employed in these schools.

This investment, amounting to €26,875,940, follows concerns raised by ISA about significant increases in fees that parents with children in independent schools were expected to face at the start of the upcoming school year.

These fee hikes were attributed to recent adjustments in salaries under a sectoral agreement with the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT).”

This “new investment will protect [rich] families from major fee increases and covers the period until 2029.” Before the finalizing of Agenda 2030 it seems…

Is this huge sum sustainable, Ministru? Or the wages of educators had to be sustainable, in a historic agreement of historic lies and fake green sustainability? But educators are many – they said. But for the few, the Woke Ministru can afford to print €26,875,940. Marelli kemm flus nipprintjaw fejn irridu!

Kemm intlaħaq malajr dal-ftehim, ikolli ngħid! Ara tal-edukaturi, dam sena u nofs u għadhom qas ħadu l-arretrati wara li ħadu s-somma ta’ suppost elf ewro li minnha ġie mnaqqas ammont li reġa’ mar lura għand il-gvern.

Imma għas-sinjuri, dawk ma jitnaqqsilhom xejn!

Encash the few. Protect the rich. Rich parents have options to which schools they send their children because only they can afford to choose [others who can’t afford, have no options, truly]. But politicians send their children to private schools. Ma tarax li jitħalltu mal-kumplament. Il-kumplament tajjeb biss biex jivvutalna u għalhekk biss induru lejh.

Encash private schools and make sure we are all smiles, poses and happiness in front of the camera:

Give some crumbs to educators so they keep their mouth shut, with disrespect escalating towards them from the rest of society, but make sure you help the rich parents who can afford to send their children to independent schools, like our politicians do, so that they are not burdened, poor souls, with higher fees while they can keep their nannies, and luxurious cars and two or more maids, so the wives can keep their hair in place.

Meanwhile, basic classes and essential materials are lacking in publicly funded schools that are open to all. Shouldn’t GOVERNMENT schools be a priority to the Government?

Shouldn’t it be advocating for government schools?

Shouldn’t it be emphasizing meritocracy and drawing attention to the many inspiring tales of government school kids who aren’t receiving the credit they merit?

Shouldn’t it be having faith in the ability of public education—there are many with genuine drive who can succeed there!

Shouldn’t it be giving government schools the credit they so richly deserve and begin to see their potential?

Shouldn’t the government be helping the lower and middle-classes which are struggling to make ends meet? Oh surely it will – wait and see. I am sure we will have a historic budget, allocated for the Maltese and Gozitan families. Hahaha! The usual fuzzy language. It is always pro-business. Notice how it always assists Big Business, by giving families the usual carrots to collect them at the desired bunny cages.

If families who send their children to independent schools cannot afford the fees anymore, they can switch to their beloved GOVERNMENT schools, which are free for all.

Money can purchase a lot of things, but education shouldn’t be one of them! What about bringing a radical change in our education system because it is no education at all! It is just another milking project of the economy devoid of fun, good books, true knowledge merged with life’s wisdom and critical thinking with the main goal of enriching the soul and the spiritual growth of a child. Now it has also been turned, additionally, into just another milking cow of the evil LGBTQ+ agenda.

Is there any logic in what this bloody government does? Yes, because it is not a government. It is goverNANCE.

These millions could have been used to improve government schools turned into the famous Kulleġġi by the off-putting PN swamp. Some are truly in a desperate state. All of them lack of resources.

Encash the few with a huge sum. Keep up the great work, Governance, while you keep increasing Malta’s debt. Did we reach the €14 billion or not?

Are we Rothschild’s slaves yet until we owe nothing, and be happy?

Malta is soon bankrupt. A financial collapse is on the way because this economic model cannot hold for longer. But while the traitorous politicians will escape this island to continue enjoying their rich life elsewhere, you, pleb, will own nothing and be happy. Yes, you, slave!

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