The cultural enrichment of rape and crime of the multicultural diversity

Via President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s kamalaH parole pipeline, a migrant who entered a plea deal and admitted to raping a lady in a Brooklyn migrant shelter is currently being held accountable for raping a woman beneath the Coney Island boardwalk. After being released at the border, the immigrant neglected to report to federal agents, for which he was not held accountable.

On December 7, 2022, Daniel Davon-Bonilla, a 24-year-old Nicaraguan immigrant, crossed the border into the United States and Mexico close to Eagle Pass, Texas.

Davon-Bonilla was briefly detained before being released on parole by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers, who claimed there was not enough detention capacity available at the moment to retain him.

On December 7, 2022, Daniel Davon-Bonilla, a 24-year-old Nicaraguan immigrant, crossed the border into the United States and Mexico close to Eagle Pass, Texas.

Davon-Bonilla was briefly detained before being released on parole by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers, who claimed there was not enough detention capacity available at the moment to retain him.

After failing to check in with agents each week, Davon-Bonilla ceased checking in with ICE altogether less than a month after his release at the border. Davon-Bonilla was not held responsible for not checking in with ICE in spite of this.

Breitbart News was informed by experts that hundreds of thousands of migrants who are released into the interior of the United States without having to physically check in with ICE officers at an office have experienced this lack of accountability.

They claim that internal records demonstrate that when migrants interact physically with ICE agents and contractors, they are far more likely to adhere to the conditions of their release.

Davon-Bonilla is accused of raping a transgender person in a taxpayer-funded Brooklyn migrant shelter just a few months after arriving in the city and neglecting to register with ICE officers. Davon-Bonilla entered a guilty plea to the rape in June of this year, after which he was freed from Rikers Island jail that same day.

The sanctuary policy of New York City made sure Davon-Bonilla was not given over to ICE officials.

Davon-Bonilla was scheduled to return to Brooklyn court on August 9 for his sentence hearing. He did not appear. Two days later, police from the New York City Police Department (NYPD) claim that Davon-Bonilla, assisted by another immigrant, sexually assaulted a homeless lady under the Coney Island boardwalk at knifepoint.

Experts told Breitbart News that situations similar to Davon-Bonilla’s are completely avoidable, but if the Biden-Harris administration proceeds with its plans to lessen the frequency of requiring migrants released into the interior of the United States to check in with ICE agents, then these incidents could turn into the norm.

Critics refer to the pilot program as a “ghost mode operation” since it eliminates the need for migrants to check in with ICE officials in person and instead lets them do so online or through a smartphone. As of yet, there are no sanctions in place for migrants who do not check in.

One of the program’s main flaws is that ICE officials are unable to obtain GPS data from migrants who use computers to check in; even when they do, the data is only kept for a week.

In the Coney Island rape case, Davon-Bonilla is currently back at Rikers Island awaiting trial. To make sure they can arrest Davon-Bonilla in the event that New York City authorities decide to release him again, ICE officers are regularly monitoring the case.

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