The Church has lost true love and true humility and endorsed evil agendas (1)

The problem with every human being is the lust of the flesh. It is all about the lust: lust for nice cars, lust for living in villas, lust for travelling, lust for anything and everything that this material world offers. This lust of the flesh is destroying lives.

Break your body. Open the roof. Don’t give in to what your body desires. Discipline your body. Discipline your lusts. Next time your body says ‘Let us go clubbing and drink,’ you say ‘No, I’m staying home. Reading a book’ or ‘No. I am going for a walk by the sea.’ Even if you suffocate, you deny the clubbing and the drink.

I’m not going to drink alcohol, body. I am drinking water, body. I am not going to say foul language, body. I am going to speak politely, body. And I am going to praise the Lord and sing and chant to Him, body.

I am not going to keep myself in the bad company of my friends who are taking me to dark alleys, body.

Jesus Christ is not just for the Christians. Whoever says so, has forgotten what the core and the centre of this sentence is: “And so God loved the whole world that He gave His only begotten son to the world. Whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.” [John 3:16]

Every human being, whether Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, or Muslim, is for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to earth to save all people. God is Jesus. Jesus is God. Never identify yourself as Catholic, Orthodox, or protestant in the same sentence. He is none of these. He is actually not fond of these names. His sacred body has been ripped into pieces by us. God is a God of harmony, not of contrasts. We must get off our high horses and sit on the ground at the feet of the Lord. This holds true for everyone in the Church, even you, the reader and those at the top of the hierarchy. Everyone needs to get on their knees and place their head in front of Christ’s feet.

The Church is deficient in this. True Humility. Real Love. This is one, if not the main, cause of the conflict inside the Church. Since genuine humility and love do not exist, all of us are acting fake. We’re all playing it. When we are lying through our teeth, we refer to one another as “brothers and sisters.” Where is the brotherhood’s love? Where is the sisterhood’s love? Where are they?

Today, the entire Church would have stood up and refused to support the demonic agendas if we were truly brothers and sisters of and in Christ. However, there aren’t any brothers and sisters in Christ. Rather, we have cowards like Judas Iscariot who sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Judas is the one in charge now. Peter’s reign has long since been vacated. There is no Peter on the throne.

Thus, to everyone seated on a throne in the Church, please refrain from claiming to be Peter. You are Iscariot, Judas. If you were really Peter, you would have crucified yourself downward and kissed the nail that went through Christ’s feet. This is because Peter did not think he was deserving of being crucified like Jesus was. In order for him to kiss the nail that was driven into Christ’s feet on the cross for his sake, he was crucified upside down, for the benefit of us.

Do you dare call yourself Peter? Disgrace to you. And shame on all church leaders who have remained silent about all the wicked objectives being thrust upon humanity. You will undoubtedly go down in history as the ones who allowed all of this to happen while counting the thirty pieces of silver.

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