The Castille Chieftain gives orders to the Committee of 20 for the new screwing economic model of the New Migrant Malta

The committee of 20 has convened around the long, rectangle table to talk about the migration policy.

You must love looking at the photo – on how they convene to warm their arse and moisten their throats while discussing how to screw the Maltese nation.

Big Brother Government discussing with Big Employers Committee on how to screw the Maltese nation

The Prime Minister who sits on the fence making U-turns while talking from his seat of wealth in the matrix bubble of illusions, dreams, and beyond, said that Big Brother Government “is reviewing its migration policy to ensure it is suited to the country’s current and future needs.” “ITS” migration policy? After endorsing the U.N. Global Migration pact, and even signing its amendment, which doubled the quota for the raping of Malta by invaders? The U.N. is a globalist organization. Nation doesn’t matter for the globalists. It’s the subversion of nations that matter. Nationhood means little to the globalists, other than tools with which to control others.

The Maltese nation means nothing to Big Government, other than a tool to serve the Globalists which it is serving them on a golden plate.

During a pre-Budget meeting at Auberge de Castille on Monday, the Castille chieftain, surrounded by the mascots, praised how illegal and legal migrants are needed for Malta’s economic model of [un]success. But now, Malta needs a new direction.

Yes. Abela said that while he was touring with his yacht, he came up with a new political program that will wipe out the poverty, misery, and discontent of the Maltese people on which communism thrives. And thus, he is going to do away with the UN’s migration pact, send it back with the permission of ‘We the People’ and is sending all the illegal and legal migrants back from where they came from.

Oops. Sorry. I must have had a lapsus and got lost in a foggy dream of daze and confusion.

Reality’s sermon from Auberge de Castille has a different script as it marches forward hand in hand with the fourth Reich to subvert national sovereignty.

The illegal and legal migrants are here to stay and double, and triple and bear more children and flourish and multiply while the Maltese population fades into no man’s land. The government will continue to give them incentives so to skill them according to the marketplace needs and maybe they will be subject to a vetting process – maybe. The government will also continue to give them more rights, at the expense of those of the natives.

Do you want to hear another lie? Abela said the country’s migration policy was revised to increase stability. Lol. This is an Orwellian notion. The only stability we have is instability. Don’t you love seeing those ‘Stabbilta” stickers stuck to stores. Problem: Endorse the Great Economic Reset of the pseudo-pandemic. Reaction: inflation; high cost of living. Solution: Have the government choose for the people the products that will have some ridiculous reduction in price and call it “Stabbilta'”. Iddaħħkux, għamlulna pjaċir. Warrbu għax mintomx qed isservu l-poplu!

Abela also said that Malta’s industries need to be catered for and thus, Malta needs to import more foreign workers to supply such industries with cheap labour so that they flourish. Wherever workers won’t be needed, AI will do. Robots will do. Humanoids will do. Because Abela wants to incentivise employers of course, like the universal basic income process he started with the Covid Wage Supplement.

“The PM emphasised that economic success now needs to lead to new priorities, including a better quality of life, stronger infrastructure, increased value-added foreign direct investment, and more quality jobs.”

It’s the typical village idiot mentality. Attacking the perceived symptom rather than the problem.

What better quality of life and stronger infrastructure? Bil-miraklu tal-konkrit?

“Iħokku għoddhom mas-sħab id-djar ta’ ġol-ibliet

qsari fit-twieqi, dagħwa kontra s-seħer

ta’ linji dritti jiġru paralleli.

Kaxxa ħdejn kaxxa, saret kaxxa kbira

irqiqa w twila mnażżgħa mill-frugħat

ta’ xogħ’l maħdum bl-iskarpellin waqt ħolma

ta’ frott u ward u anġli żgħar jittajru.”

[partial poem of Marjanu Vella’s Ħitan tas-Sejjieħ]

There is only one strategy – deport them all. But, considering that you are the UN’s servant, the parallel government ruling the world, and this won’t materialise, then remove the free incentives, free medical care and all the free benefits that immigrants receive while taxing them heavily. In the meantime, downsize the government’s agencies and all the undemocratically appointed bureaucrats with huge salaries. And while you are at it, improve the salaries of the Maltese honest working people – not of those who are given a full super package in a government’s job and who then also work privately where they charge hefty amounts for their services like Mater Dei professors. Jidħlu fil-ħdax l-isptar dawn. Jagħmlu sas-siegħa. U jitilqu ‘l hemm. U ringiela ma tispiċċa qatt ta’ pazjenti tistenna fil-waiting area li kollha jkun ingħatalhom appuntament fis-sebgħa! This is Socialism. This is Communism.

And migrants are given preference and are seen to first, in OUR COUNTRY!!!

But the communist degenerates won’t have it. They have been working for the abolition of ownership for the people with a few exclusive exceptions, for ages.

Quality of life? A good quality of life does not necessarily equal more money in our pockets, Abela! For the expansion of the solace seeking soul, this means a quiet life, instead of more money so that the masses have more to spend and are inclined to move around seeking more adventures. How dare you trick the people with the economy wand of Fabian Socialism?

Here’s more Fabian Socialism for you: “I believe the tax cuts will have a dual effect. First, the income that middle-class households take home will be strengthened, and I believe this can lead to an improved quality of life” [again – more money in our pockets doesn’t necessarily mean a better quality of life!] But here comes the deal which Big Government is giving you, with no choice of course, for deducting tax: “On the other hand, we will further incentivise productivity for workers with more incentives, which will benefit everyone in our country,” Abela told the MEA. Yep! Big Government is deducting taxes but you must be more efficient, you slave, for the highest good, of course, you slave! You need to give something in return to your Big Daddy in Castille.

Are you going to provide us with a security report and investigation about the actions of cold genocide your economic model had carried out, and is still carrying out, Prim? Quo vadis, Prim?

There’s some dark entity which is up to nasty tricks. It’s a government infested with idiots who try to impress us by changing of jargon, but the end goal is still one of foul descent into tyranny.

There’s no voice of conscience in Abela’s mind. Quo vadis, Prim? Masquerading the truth in a lie, Prim?

“There are a lot of idiots in this country, and they deserve representation as much as the next man” – Jasper Fforde ‘First Among Sequels.’

  Misħut il-kbir li jqum għaż-żgħir u jirfsu,

b’dir-rifsa jweġġa’ lilna bla jintebaħ

li għada jqum kbir ieħor jirfes lilu.

M’hemmx qawwa li ma ssibx lil qawwa akbar

li fl-aħħar iċċekkinha. Din hi l-liġi:

ħamiema ssib lis-serp illi jċarratha,

imbagħad is-serp isib ajkla li ċċarrtu.

Għalhekk hemm żgħir jittiekel, kbir li jiekol,


[Rewwixta – Epilogu, Oliver Friġġieri]

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