The Bulgarian Parliament banned LGBTQ propaganda in schools. Minister Clifton Grima – take note, will you?

On Thursday 8th August, Bulgarian Parliament passed a law banning LGBTQ propaganda in schools.

“The amendment was introduced by the pro-Russian Vazrazhdane party and, surprisingly, backed by some pro-European Union parties.”

“Lawmakers in the 240-seat Bulgarian parliament voted 159 in favour of the change. ” 

“The amendment bans the ‘promotion, popularisation and support of ideas and opinions related to non-traditional sexual orientation or sexual identification other than biological’ in schools.”

“In a separate vote Wednesday, lawmakers also approved a law defining ‘non-traditional sexual orientation’ as one that is ‘different from the generally accepted and established notions in Bulgarian legal tradition of emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of the opposite sex’.”

“Similar anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has been passed in other countries in the region, including Hungary, Moldova and Turkey.”

The LGBTQ, the feminist brigade and other rights groups organised a protest – rallying outside Bulgaria’s parliament to denounce and call for a reversal of such an amendment that bans talk of LGBTQ+ and ‘non-traditional sexual choices’ in schools. “Waving the LGBTQ+ flag, protesters chanted slogans like ‘Veto the law!’ as the police guarded the rally.”

These so-called rights groups should keep their sexual lifestyle to themselves and stop imposing it on the rest of society, especially children. Other parliaments should follow suit.

I am sure Minister Clifton Grima is already preparing a law that prohibits Maltese children to be pushed the LGBTQ propaganda down their throats – while repealing the old laws – so to shrink its power. The LGBTQ propaganda is dangerous, aiming to confuse children about their gender so that we no longer have family units around, in the continuous destabilisation of the fabric of what should be a healthy, strong society.


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