Something is brewing in both the arrest and the plea by employers and NGOs for the release of five Ethiopian men

“A coalition of employers, NGOs, and community members are calling on Maltese authorities to immediately release five Ethiopian men detained at the Safi Detention Centre, following a series of government raids on the island’s long-established migrant community.

The group is also urging the government to put an end to these controversial raids and provide long-term migrants with a pathway to regularise their status.”

Aren’t we over-populated anymore?

Shouldn’t we have the deportation begin, irrelevant whether a migrant community is troublesome or not?

Malta needs to get a huge clean up from the swamp. [By swamp, please note that I do not mean only mass migration. I also mean all those who are, in one way or another, damaging this country, even in the hierarchy at the top.]

But not for these ‘donations-funded’ NGOs:

“Their place is with us’: NGOs call for immediate release of detained Ethiopian migrants.”

Let’s do some analysis of the placards:

Their place is in their country. The Maltese deserve to get back their mother land residence.
So what? The HONEST Maltese slave worker also pays tax and NI. Give back Malta to the Maltese. Give back the rights to the Maltese HONEST people.
This is the dog-vs-dog culture which this site talked about in past pieces. This is the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. This is one of the goals of mass migration – to fuel more division, more hatred, more tension, more upheaval, more protests. There is one humanity, but there are different countries, different nations, different cultures. Each to his own. So yes, there are ‘Aħna u Huma’ in the sense of a worldwide variation. Which is beautiful when observed and lived in its own variety. But it cannot be mixed in a hotchpotch of kawlata through a forced, organized, demographic, cold genocide.
No, I’m sorry. It never was and it never will be. The Maltese want their home back. The fault is not yours. Please understand. But the Maltese are being replaced without their consent and signature.

Notice Manuel Delia, the paid and controlled agent of ‘Terror Media of Lies and Terror Be Told’ in the protest. Is he gaining something from mass migration or is he defending the EU’s and the UN’s policies?

But, dear readers, I am smelling something foul in this. Something is brewing.

If we start doing the critical thinking analysis, we can conclude that either the media is, as usual, doing the mass migration bidding.

Or, we can conclude that the migrant communities which are not giving any trouble, are being targeted. These migrant communities might be Christians and they might have had no clashes with the law. Now, although I do agree with a clean-up and full deportation of thousands, we cannot not agree that there are thousands of criminal migrants that have a bad police conduct and record, both in Malta and also from their country of origin, but about whom nothing is being done!

Not only! The IOM issues a piece of paper for them, what is known as the IHP (International Humanitarian Protection) so that they become the new migrant untouchables!

This site was informed of an Algerian case, a professional criminal who is also wanted in his country of origin, but who is not only living in Malta but who is being protected in Malta by the Maltese authorities with the excuse that he has ‘mental health problems’!

Big disgrace on all the authorities for permitting all this and endangering the lives of a whole Maltese society! Big disgrace on employers who are not defending the Maltese honest workers! Big disgrace on the coalition of employers and NGOs who are not defending Maltese society from criminal migrants! You will go down in history as being Globalist Agents while selling the soul of the Maltese nation, the soul of this once a gem of an island!

Now go ahead and call me a ‘racist’ for defending my country, the rights of the Maltese people presuming that we have rights left, and the right for a whole Maltese society to live in safety in the culture which their mother land once upon a time, gave them.

Now go ahead and call me a ‘racist’. I would rather be a ‘racist’ than a Globalist Agent Minion.

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