Slums and ghettos for the New Migrant Malta

Malta is being headed to become a country of slums and ghettos.

The construction and greed industry of the politicasters and highbinders in the pockets of the throttlebottoms in the city gathering and in the Puppet Show Houses, is deplorable.

Malta has been turned into a concrete, grey jungle fading into slums and ghettos. No, we do not have residences. No, we do not have real homes. They are to be called concrete boxes. Some towns have already been turned so, including the once beautiful touristic and coastal areas like Buġibba, St. Paul’s Bay, Sliema, Birżebbuġa and St. Julian’s. I ask you to go for a walk in these areas but definitely not on their promenade. While you do, connect with all your body senses and listen to how your spirit squirms inside you. Feel with the spirit, observe with your eyes, smell with your nose and hear with your ears. They have been turned into ghettos and slums, where the sun hardly meets the ground.

More and more slums and ghettos are guaranteed in a few years. Rats and cockroaches will surely follow close behind. Well, some towns like Birkirkara are faced with rats already – one of the dirtiest towns in Malta – which has been filled with Indians and Pakis too.

And when the economy is flourishing, the media is silent. When things start going wrong, the same media makes you believe it is criticising Big Government and Big Business, while it enjoys both sides. The media carries fire in one hand and water in the other. Mafia media. Evil media.

This is the same media who thinks communism is the best thing since sliced bread started being sold. The media believes so much in communism that they are ready to chuck all the Maltese nation and Malta out of a train window.

Because it is just a matter of demand and supply. Fill the country with invaders so that they fill up rental concrete boxes.

Because it is just a matter of demand and supply. Fill the country with properties which can only be afforded and purchased by the rich – especially rich foreigners.

Malta might look prosperous to tourists because for them it is a new place to explore. Just as much as every other country looks prosperous to us. Anything new looks tempting and enjoyable to the taste. The invaders come here because of the illusions they are promised. Because they are enticed. Just like they are invading everywhere in Europe and every country which is sold to them.

When will Malta ban people from coming in? When will the Maltese people start the fire before this country falls apart? When will the Maltese make Malta, Maltese again? When will this country provide for its natives?

The Construction Industry has taken over the matrimony of our Maltese society. For what? So that slums and ghettos will bring rise to the New Migrant Malta.

And not only that. We must look at the emotional side of this destruction. In our dreams, we cry for the Malta we were raised in. In our dreams, we cry our way home. Beautiful houses which once belonged to our ancestors, maybe to our grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents, no longer exist and were replaced by ugly concrete blocks of concrete boxes. No more painted apertures, antiportas, hallways, the traditional Maltese tile, the louvred windows. And with these gone houses, gone are own childhood memories of growing up in such houses, or visiting our ancestors, the smell of brewing coffee and tea, the home-made cake in the oven filling the house with a beautiful aroma that elevates your nostrils and warms your heart.

Streets have also changed. The whole environment has been changed.

This is what transpires psychologically, to use the language of Gestalt psychology. Since our identity is shaped by the environment that surrounds us, our sense of self is tested and we may feel disoriented when familiar surroundings alter. People have deep emotional ties to certain locations which shape our memories, sense of self, and sense of belonging. The loss of well-known landmarks can induce feelings of instability and unpredictability about the future and when these places change or disappear, it feels like a part of ourselves is being altered.

All of Malta has been altered. It is of no wonder that speaking to those who are above 30 years of age, they come up with statements like: “The minute I get a good opportunity, I will leave this country;” “I just need a job to pass by and on calculating that abroad I will be able to cater for myself, I will leave this country;” “if I hadn’t my older parents, I would leave now;” “I can’t live here anymore. I have become anxious. I cannot sleep at night. I cannot open the windows because of the continuous dust; I cannot go out at the weekend because all the populace is out; driving on all days whatever the time has become a nightmare, in this island whose short distances should not take you more than 15 minutes; cost of living is so expensive that I cannot make ends meet. How many more sacrifices do I have to make? How much can I stretch my salary to?”

The younger generation will tell you that they want to leave for better opportunities and better salaries. The older generation [50+] will tell you that if they were younger, they would leave.

What a sad situation! This is how this gem of an island has been transformed into a prison for the majority of the populace, apart from the rich of course – who can enjoy their boats, their frequent travelling, and their villas with the pools.

And throughout all this alteration in Malta’s landscape and other familiar settings, we also get the flow of emotions that come with it. It is grief which can progress through several stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, despair and sadness. Depression and anxiety are part and parcel of these alterations. This is what Big Government and Big Business have done to you. X’għala biebhom! L-aqwa l-poter u l-flus! L-aqwa li jġibu iktar barranin ħalli jinkrew il-blokok u niġbru iktar flus, u lilek, ja Malti, iqaċċtuk ‘il barra għax la hemm post għalik u lanqas taffordja l-prezzijiet tagħhom!

Forget about The Republic of Malta. The construction industry is turning Malta into the New Migrant Malta, full of slums and ghettos.

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