Silence from the media & the traitors in Parliament about the Summit of the Future for the signing of the Pact for the Future

Did anyone from the public hear about the historic Summit of the Future that just took place in New York City at the UN headquarters a few days ago? I waited. I thought the media – which claims itself to be the oracle of truth, with the sole aim to inform, and our politicians in Parliament – who claim to have the Maltese nation at their heart, would say something. The government didn’t make any press conference. The Nationalist Party did not utter any word. The media didn’t report anything. Instead, there was a deafening muted silence.

It was exactly last Sunday and Monday, that the United Nations member states gathered for this Summit of the Future in order to sign the Pact for the Future, meaning, that the puppets have gathered to be given the orders of the One World Government and follow, by signing this pact. What do you think this pact is about? Any guesses?

It is anticipated that this document would significantly quicken the pace at which the Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being implemented. This means that the UN ‘has just passed a new law’ mandating evil agendas.

Addressing the Summit, here is what the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, had to say. Please make sure to read in between the lines while focusing on the keywords:

“All of us who are here today recognize the urgent need to take action; to implement the many detailed specific inititiatives that are outlined in the Pact for the Future; for sustainable developments, for peace and security, for addressing climate change, for the restoration of trust in global governance, a trust which has come under intense scrutiny, for our own sake and for the sake of our future generations. We managed to come to an agreement and it was not an easy task at a time of heightened mistrust, strife, polarization and conflict. Yet we reached the consensus because we know that the stakes are extremely high and that the global threats we are facing together as an international community are of much greater order than the individual interest of regions, countries and governments.

This pact, dear readers, is divided into two parts. One part is on science and technology and the other part is about youth and future generations. I will discuss it in more details in another piece.

It is extremely heinous and was carried out by a process known as The Silence Procedure, which establishes an agreement that, in the event that no one objects, is immediately adopted and recorded as fully embraced. The World Health Organization is using this as a workaround because they were unable to pass the WHO Treaty. It is even more heinous than what the WHO intended to have passed when they chose to bring it before the General Assembly.

Allow me to briefly summarize the contents of this agreement, which is currently being ratified by Malta and 193 other countries worldwide. The Labour government has also openly endorsed it.

It claims that this is the totally digital power topology, optimized for mass control. Everyone will be required to have a digital ID that is biometric, identifying them as global citizens as well as national citizens.

Whenever you hear the terms “global citizen” or “sustainable,” keep in mind that the WHO and the UN are at the center of this horrifying phenomenon.

Dissonant opinions will be labeled as misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation, and those who propagate unapproved information will have their memory held while the artificial intelligence-powered system fact-checks and penalizes them.

Among punishments, we find that one’s bank accounts may be closed, we may not be allowed to make certain purchases, we may not board an aircraft, ride the metro, or drive on public roads. The world’s self-appointed overlords at the United Nations say this is the future. These are global decision-makers regarding us, our lives, and our sovereignty. They are unelected psychopath bureaucrats.

And the public is still ignorant about all this.

For all those who know, and who are aware and disconnected from the matrix – this is the time for you to get prepared and get involved. Be active. Do something.

The Labour government is sitting on its hands.

It is up to us the people to mobilize and move forward and to not allow all this to happen.

This is the onset of the One World Government.

This is the onset of the One World Order.

This is the onset of the One World Religion.

This is the onset of the One World Money.

This is the onset of the New World Order.

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