Reproducing Neville’s Gafa blog about Karl Gouder published before the latter’s unexpected passing

Neville Gafa’s blog titled “Karl Gouder huwa l-maskot tat-tħanżir”:

“L-eks Deputat Nazzjonalista u Chief Operations Officer ta’ Net Media, Karl Gouder ikkonferma li se jkun qed jikkontesta għar-rwol ta’ Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.

Karl Gouder huwa wieħed mill-aktar persuni fil-Partit Nazzjonalista li tħanżer.

Dan mhux direct orders ħa.

Dan mhux xi impjieg mal-Gvern ħa.

Dan mhux darba iżda DARBTEJN tawh siġġu fil-Parlament permezz ta’ co-option.

L-ewwel darba li ġie co-opted kien fl-2010 meta ħa post Michael Frendo. Dan ma kienx biżżejjed, hekk kif 2016 rega’ ġie co-opted din id-darba flok Albert Fenech.

Mela tajjeb; tfalli milli tiġi elett fil-Parlament għal darba darbtejn u ssib postok xorta waħda fil-Parlament anke kontra r-rieda tal-elettorat.

Jekk mhux sejjer żball ĦADD QATT ma ġie co-opted darbtejn fl-istorja ta’ pajjiżna.

Dik Meritokrazija eh!

Li tiġi co-opted darba fiha w ma fihiex, pero’ li terġa’ tikkontesta, terġa’ ma titlax u terġa’ tiġi co-opted huwa l-maskot tat-tħanżir. Għax apparti l-paga tal-Parlament kif ukoll pensjoni tal-Parlament, hemm il-prestiġju tal-kariga.

Ma tistax u tieħu siġġu darbtejn. Dak mhux tħanżir?”

Note from this writer: I am sure Neville Gafa founds no issue with this site republishing this blog of his, considering he himself stated so. Because it seems like we have another blog of venom among the hierarchy of narcissism, a hierarchy which does not write out of its unfound centre of consciousness but out of venom. Narcissism and narcissists are at war while they fire at each other and others. But Gafa paints the removal of this blog of his with the brush of respect and prudency. And anyone who dares question him and this “respectful” action of his, is then to blame. Typical projecting of narcissism.

Any media which is going to use this piece, must cite this site or else I am seeking legal advice from my lawyer of trust which is also the lawyer of this site.

X (Formerly Twitter)