Prison for British patriots defending their country against the Migrant Invasion becomes their New National Anthem

The crackdown in the UK continues.

In lieu of the recent riots seen across the country, two men, 28-year-old Jordan Parlour and 26-year-old Tyler Kay, were imprisoned for defending their country.

For the media, they were imprisoned for “inciting racial hatred with Facebook posts.” Online censorship at its best.

Parlou, jailed for 20 months, advocated an attack on a hotel in Leeds which is full of migrants and asylum seekers, while Tyler Kay, jailed for three years and two months, had posted on X a call for mass deportation and for people to set fire to hotels housing asylum seekers.

The liberal Leftist media The Guardian stated: “They are the first people to be charged for posting criminal messages online linked to the recent far-right violence.” Please note that these riots are being connected to far-right politics because far-right policies defend the countries against the invaders, which is a problem that was created by the left policies. The demonic Left are being turned angelic.

Please note that none of these jailed two British are affiliated with any party. Also note that Parlour’s initial post received only six likes.

Passing sentence on Friday, pro-migrant judge, Guy Kearl KC, accepted Parlour took no part in the violence but said: “There can be no doubt you were inciting others to do so.

“You went on to say that you did not want your money going to immigrants who ‘rape our kids and get priority’,” Kearl said. “You were encouraging others to attack a hotel which you knew was occupied by refugees and asylum seekers.”

Speaking against this organized invasion and the invaders is prohibited because the UN Migration Pact criminalizes criticism of immigration as ‘hate speech’ (thought crime). The UN is an evil cesspool. We are living under its rule which it dictates.

It should come with no surprise that the puppeteered British government comes out defending migrants:

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: “The government has brought in over 500 new prison places early, to ensure there is a cell waiting for everyone involved in the recent disorder and thuggery.”

And they are coming for the Whites; they are cracking down on patriots defending their country, while releasing prisoners, with the permission of the lord chancellor, who introduced the emergency capacity to address a prison crisis:

In July, British ministers “announced they were changing the law to allow some criminals to leave prison early because of a lack of space. This means that prisoners who do not fall into exempt categories, such as those serving sentences for serious crimes, will be released under the new scheme after they have served 40% of their sentences, rather than 50%.”

“The release points for those convicted of involvement in violent disorder will depend upon the offence they are convicted of and the sentence they receive. Sentences for serious violent offences of four years or more, including arson and terrorism-related offences, are among those excluded from the early release scheme.”

Let out criminals and make Britain a cesspool of crime and danger, while imprisoning those defending the same Britain who should be defended, first and foremost, by their serving government. British citizens count very little when the government is exterminating and replacing them.

The crackdown continues in the UK. Prison for patriots becomes their new national anthem.

They will be coming after white pre-schoolers soon for not wanting the people of the sand invading their country

X (Formerly Twitter)