Norman Lowell’s speech on 8th September, commemorating Malta’s National Day

On 8th September, Imperium Europa commemorated Malta’s National Day. This is Norman Lowell’s speech – a speech which the traitors in the PN and PL will never give to the sleepy masses.

I felt I should give this speech so to show the readers and the world how this party has always been depicted badly by the evil press, but yet it is a party which truly has the love of this nation at heart and are focused on matters that matter in the grand scheme of the world:

“We are here, remembering our ancestors, who spilled their blood during the Great Siege of Malta. They didn’t spill their blood for Malta alone, but for all of Europe. Our ancestors’ victory in Malta (the sacred island) and the battle of Lepanto, these two victories saved all of Europe.

Today I want to speak about a part of the Great Siege that no one else mentions. The forbidden, hidden history that no one ever shows: the spiritual battle, the occult warrior are vital. The woman who won the war is Saint Isabella of Spain, Grande Catholica, who recognized the eternal enemy, who always hides, but is lethal. The Great Queen Isabella, who knew them well, those who always betrayed the Europeans.

Every fortified city that was besieged, these hidden enemies always favoured the Muslims, not the Europeans. And they betrayed every city that was besieged: Rhodes, Constantinople, Toledo, Malaga. Everywhere they were, they betrayed the European and favoured the Muslims. And Isabella, who knew them, exiled them from the Spanish Kingdom a few years before the Great Siege of Malta. Providence. We’re lucky she exiled them. Why? They would have betrayed us as well. If she didn’t hold them back by exiling them, which forced us to exile them as well, the Ottomans would have conquered North all the way to Norway. Europe would have become Muslim. She saved Europe! Isabella of Spain.

How were these besieged cities betrayed? They would put one of their own on the walls, who would pretend to knit traditional lace who would signal to the enemy where to attack from. When she removed 0her knitting, that would be the signal to attack. They enemy would run to the walls with ladders, go up during the changing of the guards, a few minutes of interval. The weak chain, the weak link, the lacuna in the defense. They would slaughter the gatekeepers, let the invaders in to massacre the population and carry off the women to their harems to play with them. Do you understand? That’s what they did. And if she didn’t save us, they would have done the same to Malta.

These people who you are seeing all around you, if it wasn’t for Isabella, they would all be wearing sandals and a turban. Because we would have been Muslim.

The corrupt Catholic Church wants us to forget the memory of Isabella. They want to remove her from the pantheon of saints, like they did with Simon de Trento, a three-year old boy. They tore him apart with blades to take his blood at Passover. A monument for Simon de Trento in the cenre of Trento Square was removed by the Church. They’ve hidden it in the crypts of the Vatican.

Whoever wants to hear the true story of Simon de Trento, a three year old martyr who was torn apart, should look up the work of Ariel Toaff (Passovers of Blood), the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome. In his book, he revealed what they would do. And not only that! It’s still happening today! What did they do to him? He published his book and within two hours you couldn’t find a copy. They confiscated them all. But a few copies circulated and the cat was out of the bag, as we say. You can imagine what his tribunal associates did to him. But he told them, “you can say what you like, I will never recant. You can even crucify me if you want. But I will not take back what I wrote because it’s the truth.” He is a professor of Hebrew Studies at Tel Aviv University.

And the Church wants to erase the memory of Isabella of Spain, like they did with Simon of Trent. They desire it, but they can’t because Isabella is revered in Spain. If the Church does that, and removes her, it will lose Spain, the last outpost of Catholicism beyond the Pyrenees. The Church can’t afford to lose Spain, so they tolerate Isabella. They tolerate her with gritted teeth.

And the Church, servile of Satan, run by a Jesuit, run by that Satanic Tribunal, are afraid of them because they have all the media in their hands. And when they want, they beat them down. Paedophila. Millions in compensation. Investments in weapons. Investments in the morning after pill. When they want, they can destroy it. That’s why they fear them. You can see them kissing this Jesuit’s hands as he taunts them. They fear them.

This Church, which lost the original message of its founder, Kristos. And us, Imperium Europa, we honor her, Isabella of Spain. She who saved us from this betrayal of that enemy, from the implacable hatred they have for us. They were born with it, a fire that consumes them from the inside. They can’t…no matter what we do, we can never placate them. They are born with it.

That’s why they go to the media. They all go to the media! To influence the people. To do maximum damage. That’s why they control the media.

The others, these other farcical feasts of others, came to put wreaths. These other festivals have already been forgotten. “Guz! On Wednesday, it’s a feast, should we go?” “Is it? Which one?” “I think it’s Independence Day or Republic Day. I don’t even know.” They’ve already been forgotten! Because the people don’t feel it! But the 8th of September, the only national feast of Malta, is always alive in the national conscience of the Maltese people. The 8th of September is the only national feast of Malta and the Maltese.

Honour to the Great Isabella! The Great Queen of Spain who saved Europe because she knew the enemy. Honour to a New Resurgent Europe! Honour to the thousands who are on our side, who believed in us, observed us, and remained loyal. Those soldiers of steel. Ave!”

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