More studies are linking the Covid19 vaccine with mental health issues (4)

In a study published on 30th December 2022, Yeh-Li Lien and Chen-Yu Wei from the Department of Pediatrics, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital in Taiwan report the case of a male adolescent patient manifesting acute psychosis 2 days after receiving the second dose of the BNT162B2 Covid-19 vaccine.

A 15-year-old boy presented to the emergency department of their hospital with the chief complaint of agitation, involuntary limb stretching, and screaming 2 days after receiving his second dose of the BNT162B2 vaccine. He was healthy without any specific medical history before the vaccination. His vital signs and neurological examination were all within normal limits. Moreover, his hematology, blood chemistry, and urine toxicology results were within normal limits. However, they recorded elevated CPK levels of 792U/L and CK-MB levels of 28 U/L. His COVID-19 PCR test was negative. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed no abnormally enhanced lesions.

After admission, he was observed to demonstrate bizarre behaviors, including sitting up and lying down frequently and taking up the mannerism of praying in bed. We also noted auditory hallucinations and delusions. Accordingly, a psychiatrist was consulted, and aripiprazole and biperiden were prescribed for acute symptom control. An electroencephalography (EEG) study performed a week after his symptom onset showed negative findings. Lumbar puncture with basic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and extensive CSF workup for autoimmune encephalitis (including anti-NMDAR, anti-AMPAR1, anti-AMPAR2, anti-CASPR2, anti-LGI1, and anti-GABAR) were conducted 1 week after the onset of the symptoms and revealed negative finding. Simultaneously, antibodies for paraneoplastic neurological syndrome were examined, which also showed negative results. Subsequently, his acute symptoms improved to some extent, and he was discharged with aripiprazole and biperiden. However, his hallucinations and bizarre behavior persisted for >1 month after his discharge. Accordingly, they decided to reschedule his admission for 3-day intravenous methylprednisolone (1 g/day) treatment. The oral form steroid (30 mg/day) was prescribed after discharge, after which the dosage was tapered if the symptoms improved. The total course of steroid treatment was 3 weeks, and the patient’s psychiatric status gradually improved within the 2-month follow-up. His thinking capacity and emotional expression also showed significant improvement. EEG was performed during the outpatient follow-up with negative findings.

Please note, dear readers, that the Covid-19 vaccines are not the first to cause psychosis after their administration. This study itself mentions that acute psychosis were reported for vaccines against rabies and yellow fever.

This study also admits that short-term and long-term side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine remain unknown, especially in the pediatric group.

One possible explanation that this study gives for vaccine-induced psychosis is an increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory factors which damage the central nervous systems, that is, the spike protein in these vaccines may trigger an immune response resulting in neuropsychiatric symptoms through an inflammatory condition.

Considering that these vaccines were injected into children’s bodies, where is the outrage? What will the world continue to witness with these deadly and experimental vaccines? More vaccine induced suicides?Deterioration of cognitive functions and behaviour of the vaccinated?

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