MEA is too late to inform you that Europe is on the brink of an economic collapse

Malta Employers Association (MEA) is late to inform you that Europe, and obviously Malta too, is on the brink of an economic collapse.

“The Malta Employers’ Association (MEA) has painted a grim picture of the nation’s economic future, cautioning that the current trajectory could lead to a systemic collapse if urgent reforms are not implemented.

The business lobby group’s pre-budget press conference, held on Tuesday, outlined a comprehensive set of proposals aimed at steering the Maltese economy away from what they describe as an unsustainable growth model.

MEA Director General Kevin Borg did not mince words when addressing the press, stating, “The Maltese economy is at risk of collapsing under the weight of its own unsustainable approach.” He elaborated that the country’s reliance on a high-volume, labour-intensive business model is becoming increasingly untenable as the workforce shortage intensifies.

When asked by Newsbook Malta why the Maltese economy risks collapse, Borg explained, “The Maltese economy is highly reliant on a workforce that is increasingly difficult to source. Our business model is predicated on a critical mass, operating on high volumes of labour. If we lack the workforce to sustain this, we must pivot towards enhancing quality and innovation, which can drive growth and productivity without an over-reliance on sheer numbers.”

He added that as workers leave and replacements are not easily found, those who remain experience declining morale and well-being.”

Are they realising this now? Since the liberals always trumpeted on how the economy is important, now it is up to them to fix this mess. For the first time since the Cold War, we must genuinely fear for our self-preservation.

But, the MEA is leaving out many other factors. I was the first locally to publish an article about the Great Reset [Economic and Biological] that was awaiting the world which was rolled out with the pseudo-pandemic which the normies swallowed big time. It was 15th December 2020:

It is not rocket science. All one needs to do is read the books of those at the top, in organizations, foundations, agencies and intelligentsia, among others. They always tell you.

I warned. People laughed. I warned. I received hatred.

It is not rocket science to understand that the pandemic was thrown onto the world with ulterior, sinister agendas. Something had to be done in order to remove the old and usher in the new – the Globalists’ new of course which definitely does not favour humanity.

I warned. People laughed. I warned. People ignored.

It is not rocket science. All one needs to do is hear Klaus Schwab of the World Economic and Enslaving Forum telling you that “history is truly at a turning point. It is the beginning of a global mobilisation effort, to rally our forces, behind the Great Reset initiative.” He is on record stating that “energy systems, food systems and supply chains will be deeply affected” and that they “will destroy unfortunately a lot of employment.”

I warned. People laughed. I warned. People ignored.

I have published more articles after this date about the Great Reset, how many businesses abroad are insolvent and how the economy is faring offshore while in some pieces I have pointed to the fact that the economy is on the brink of a collapse.

This doesn’t only apply to Malta. Europe too.

Here is what former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said in a report to the European Commission about the impending economic collapse of the EU:

“The economy has been slowing down for a long time in Europe. But we ignored it. Up until two years ago, we would never have such a conversation as the one we are having today. Because things were sort of going well. We were doing well out of globalisation. Unemployment was steadily falling. But now we cannot ignore it any longer. We have lost our main supplier of cheap energy – Russia. And now we have to start for our defence again for the first time since the second world war. At the same time this is the same year where Europe cannot count on population growth for its increase. And population is set to decline steadily so much that by 2040 there will be two million workers disappearing from the labour market every year. Productivity is weak – it’s very weak. So, if we were to maintain our current average productivity of the last five, or the last ten years say, it would only be enough to keep GDP constant until 2050. The investment share would have to rise by around 5% points of GDP to levels last seen in the sixties and seventies. And if Europe can no longer provide that to its people, it would have lost its reason for being.”

I warned. People laughed. I warned. People ignored.

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