Maltese citizens discuss the realities which are leading to self-termination

Society needs to break this taboo and it is time that self-termination, or suicide, is talked of. Not talking about them to prevent them is failing.

Terry Muscat posted a shocking post on Facebook that between Monday 9th to Saturday 13th September, he knows of 13 suicide cases. He added that something needs to be done. Here are some comments that this post received, which portray the factual realities of what humanity is having to deal with in this evil world run by ruthless Jewish Zionists who are only interested in accumulating wealth, turning us into economic slaves, thanks to the order-obedient governments.

Hear hear, ruthless politicians. You walk around with the money bible in one hand while the heart has long been enclosed in a cold jar of hearts! Ħa tibqgħu taħsbu li kollox fuq ir-rubini miexi?

Hear the plea of this nation, politicians! The orders you are obeying are crashing us, and removing life from us! Do you think that money make us happy or give us happiness?

Regarding the elephant in the room which has been highlighted in red in a comment above, this site has already tackled that it has been found in a study that it is causing psychosis. In a future piece, I will give more updates about this.

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