Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN promotes the raising of a child by a lesbian couple

Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN promotes the raising of a child by a lesbian couple, through artificial insemination, of course. Children are conceived through Adam and Eve, not Eve and Eve.

Ironically, the lesbians still needed a sperm to conceive the baby which they artificially. Do they know the father?

The caption on Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN video reads:

“They’re gonna be mummies! 🥹@tinaz_zee has just announced she’s pregnant with an adorable vlog alongside her wife @emzgatt 💖”Your mamas can’t wait to meet you,” the two wrote, hashtagging the video #twomummies , #babyloading , #IVFBaby and #hanini … which was actually teased by Tina on a bracelet earlier this afternoon 🤭Congratulations to the happy couple! 🫶”

This is all against the law of morality. There is nothing about this that is not under the Divine Law which we should be abiding to. Marriage is only valid when it is between a man and a woman. So is the bringing forth of a child and raising him/her. Imma x’għala biebna! Love is love, my dears – the direct result of the hateful, crazy, rhetoric of the liberals that continue to undo the fabric of a healthy society.

Any LGBTQ-P couple raising a child is as harmful to society as to the child. Are you aware that according to a study which was published in a July issue of Social Science Research by Mark Regnerus, an associate professor of sociology at The University of Texas at Austin, which surveyed more than 15,000 Americans between the ages of 18 and 39, asking them questions about their upbringings, found that children of a gay or lesbian parent may be more likely to have social and emotional problems?

Regnerus aimed to investigate potential differences between children raised by parents in a same-sex relationship and children raised by married, heterosexual biological parents.

A set of 40 outcomes on social, emotional, and relationship characteristics were used to gauge the survey’s results. Results included whether the child had grown up to require government support such as welfare, whether they were more likely to experience anxiety or despair, whether they were more likely to be mistreated, or whether they were more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such using drugs, smoking, or having several sexual partners.

According to Regnerus’ investigation, 73 children who said their father was in a same-sex relationship and 175 now-adult children who said they were raised by a lesbian mother were identified. Using a bigger sample, the study discovered that, in comparison to children of an intact heterosexual couple, respondents whose mother was in a same-sex relationship performed worse on 24 of the 40 test outcomes.

Compared to 17 percent of children from intact biological families, sixty-nine percent of children of lesbian moms said that at some point in their lives, their family received governmental assistance, such as welfare. Approximately 50% of children born to an intact biological family reported having a full-time job, while just 26% of children born to a lesbian mother reported the same. Compared to the 2 percent of other children in the study, 14% of children whose mother was a lesbian were placed in foster care at some point. Less than 2 percent of respondents overall who stated that their mother had a same-sex relationship indicated they had spent all 18 of their formative years living with their mother and her partner.

According to Regnerus, children of fathers in same-sex relationships performed worse on 19 outcomes. These children did not have as many poor outcomes as children born to a mother without the mother, but they did have more than children raised in a family with married heterosexual parents.

Obviously, advocates of same-sex marriages, will tell you that this is a flawed study. But they won’t tell you that the majority of judgments regarding same-sex parenting have been made based on convenience samples that are too small to be really random, an approach which results to such advocates, scholars and liberals to conclude that there are no differences between children raised in same-sex households and those raised in a family which consists of a father and a mother, as the laws of nature and divine law dictate.

This means, dear readers, that any study which tries to make you believe that children raised in an LGBTQ-P setting are fine, is just another study which is masking real diversity among gay and lesbian parenting experiences.

But not according to Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN and to the matrix bots who overflow Lovin Malta’s article with “Congratulations” and “A very big congratulations. You will make good mummies both of you. And twice the love for your babies.”

The Maltese matrix mass has lost its plot. It is lost and waking them up from the dead is useless at this point.

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