Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN is now promoting Transhuman Sex

Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN has quite a flamboyant Facebook page. Skimming through its pages, you think it’s Carnival.

But among the flamboyancy, there is a common factor – the pushing of agendas which are everything but conservative. From past articles like the promotion of polyamory to the recent ones with the usual upcoming Malta pride which is kicking off next Saturday for which we have to embrace ourselves while they push their Pride beliefs onto us, to the occultic Halloween which, although is still two months away, Lovin Malta is very keen to promote already. They might as well put on some Christmas carols.

Does Lovin Malta have enough journalists employed because it seems to me that it is running out of ideas?

And amongst all this flamboyant articles, one comes across this post of theirs:

“Having sex with human beings could soon be a thing of the past… at least, if a world-renowned futurist ends up being correct with his predictions Dr. Ian Pearson has been predicting future scenarios for over two decades now, but his views on robot romance back in 2016 only technically have a couple of months until they’re expected to start materialising. With Dr. Pearson’s arguments being how quickly things like vibrators went from taboo to mainstream, his predictions are that it won’t be long before robot sex is more popular than watching porn. Eventually, he argues, robot sex might actually eclipse human lovemaking all together by 2050. But if the futurist’s eight-year-old predictions come true, it’s all set to kick off in a couple of months, with 2025 being the year Dr. Pearson suggests robot sex will start showing up in rich households. The next milestone is 2030, when people will have ‘virtual sex’ as regularly as porn is watched nowadays. Do you think these predictions are feasible, or is all a bunch of sci-fi exaggeration?”

Save the first imminent date – 2030 – in lockstep with Agenda 2030. Transhumanism is part of this agenda.

In this world where everything has been sexualised, from music to films to simple ads selling a yoghurt; in this world where men are so porn-hubbed and porn-wired that they fail to share intimacy with a woman, let alone give it; in this world where the propaganda targeted at women has created a male stereotype who is afraid of commitment, and just wants some fun, turning him into a runaway from anything that might give him a beautiful bond with a woman; in this world where the propaganda targeted at women has created a male stereotype who is just a mummy’s boy on a shelf in a protective bubble of haloes and incense; in this world where so many women are being left alone to raise a child, whether single, separated or divorced; in this world where one-night stands are becoming as common as the morning egg on toast; in this world where Chinese parlours are taking care of the vertigo sticks; in this world where the stereotypical men prefer to give a bad romance; in this world of plastic inflatable dolls – what does a man need? Robot sex.

Undoubtedly it is a more economical choice than the mail-order brides from Asian countries that so many old Maltese men pursue and buy.

Instead of seeing on how to educate the nation for healthier, healed individuals who seek healthy relationships and give rise to a healthy family unit, the backbone of a functioning society, Lovin Malta of the Conservative PN promotes the transhuman sex! The word ‘sex’ already connotes a horny moment deprived of love and intimacy. The appropriate words are ‘love-making’ and ‘intimacy.’ How worse is robot sex!

Nothing compares to flesh to skin interaction. Plastic and rubber is not what humanity is all about.

Ground yourself, heal, rise, heal, and find the suitable companion who gives you a bond, enmeshed in respect, support, from a fountain of love.

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