Living and loving from a rooted centre

Note from the writer: This site is pleased to add another theme in its ‘Article’ section. It will be called ‘Humanity Lifting Humanity’ as the hashtag at the end of this piece says. And so will each piece end with. This section aims at lifting humanity to soar to what it has always meant to be – larger than life itself, a reflection of God. May its purpose reach many and help many. May each piece serve as a beacon of light. The more we soar, the more we can turn this world to a different direction and heal it – from the centre upwards. With love, and blessings, from me to you.

Here goes the first piece:

Maintaining a relationship with someone who has fragmented consciousness is extremely challenging.

No matter how hard people tried, they failed. No matter how much you try, you will fail. This is so because one always needs to have a center to relate from. A framework is necessary in order to open from, a structure so to speak. In the absence of a comparatively integrated core, a person’s ability to connect will frequently fluctuate. In one area, they might have a great relationship, while in another, they might not be connected. It could also be almost impossible to ground into connection because they are wildly leaping onto different courses in an attempt to reach their center.

This explains the extreme risk of spiritual doctrines that promote “life without a center.”

Humans already find it challenging enough to solidify.

We don’t require guidance farther from our identity.

In order for us to live from a rooted center and experience love, we require practices that facilitate our reintegration.

Our hearts can fly to greater depths the more thoroughly interwoven our core is.

Soar, humanity, soar!


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