It’s not about finding the one but finding the path

Many people feel uncomfortable being alone due to the constant pressure to be in a relationship, and many more choose to stay in unhealthy relationships out of fear of being judged as unworthy of respect outside of them.

All of this undoubtedly misses the mark. Whatever that means to each of us, living a life true to our path is what matters most. For some people, a romantic relationship is intrinsically related to their spiritual calling. They unearth and humanise their greatest significance there.

Some, however, are called in a different path and discover their calling in their career, in their creative endeavours, or in their own spiritual practices.

Everybody has a soul script that is specific to their individual journey.

Embody you.

Make peace with you. Make peace with your path.

The important thing in life is not whether we find the one, but whether we find the path.

Soar, beautiful one!


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