In response to this site’s article about the climate rubbish, Times of Malta reverts with same, repeated, uncreative climate rubbish

In response to this site’s article published yesterday:

the corporate media reaction was more of the same climate rubbish.

Times of Malta reacts with:

Their article is very close to that of Lovin Malta, also attached in my piece, whose date is that of last May. TOM must have taken up from it, to come up with another article along the same lines.

Times of Malta continuously and regularly reminds us of how guilty we are to feel. Please note that this is a local newspaper where Creativity has long gone on a cruise cruising around the world, but which gets their orders about what to publish from international sources like AFP (Agence France-presse).

Creativity is so much lacking, that TOM used the same front photo which they had used to tell us that we need to do something to clean the air:

Is Times of Malta running out-of-the mill?

TOM can trumpet its climate change rubbish onto the masses as much as it wants in its quest to produce the perfect climitards as it pursues this lying climate politics.

This site will continue to offer its readers the perspective which will lead them to think and on the path of Truth, and no corporate, regressive lying media will stop this site from its mission.

But during the journey, amidst all this bombardment of evil agendas during this transition phase, it does well for the heart to have a laugh.

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