If you ever feel like giving up..

If you ever feel like giving up, understand that it is a phase. Hard circumstances are just a phase. Whether they are short or long phases, they too, will pass. The lifecycle is a mixture of highs and lows. Although the storm is currently engulfing you, clear skies are yet ahead. Hold on and don’t you dare give up on you. Hold on and don’t you dare give up on your life.

If you ever feel like giving up, understand that you are stronger than what you were fed to think. There is an indomitable inner power in you which can make you move mountains. Never underestimate your resilience. You have a potential and that potential is bigger than any problem which is plaguing you.

If you ever feel like giving up, do not look at the whole heap. Do not look at the whole mountain. Look down, at your feet, and do small steps. Baby steps. We were all babies and we learnt how to first crawl, then stand up, then walk wobbly, fall and yet we stood up, each day, until we walked without any adult holding us. We have been taught that success is giant steps forward. No. This is not always the case. Not every advancement is a giant step forward. Occasionally, it’s little, nearly undetectable movements. No matter how tiny, every step is – it gets you closer to your objective. Honor each and every advancement. Even with slow and steady, one can win the race. Expect all challenges. Expect the nay sayers. Expect the trolls, their discouragement, and nagging, projecting onto you their unhappiness and failures. Sometimes you might need to make a halt. Sometimes you might need to make a step back. But never a U-turn. Proceed with your onward motion.

If you ever feel like giving up, think about the reasons that got you to the start line. Reconnect with your motivation and your goals. Keep them in your focus and keep moving.

If you ever feel like giving up, because you failed, remember that failure might be a blessing in disguise. It is a stepping stone. It might lead you to new paths, new opportunities which you hadn’t even a clue of. It might lead you to new doors which open beautifully for you. Moreover, it is important to assimilate the thought pattern that it is fine to fall but staying in the tank for days is useless. Rise up. Rise again. Learn from each setback. Write your story in your book of life.

If you ever feel like giving up, practise self-care which is highly important, especially during tough times. How do you practise self-care? Eat nutritious food which has been prepared with love. Exercise on a regular basis. You cannot afford a gym membership? Do some body weight exercises at home. You cannot afford a coach anymore? Wear your running shoes and go for a small run. You have never exercised before or you hate doing some sort of sports? Grab a friend, set a time each day and go for a walk. Make sure you get enough sleep every day. Before you sleep, make sure you watch positivity, hear positivity, read positivity. Connect with people who love you, support you, understand you and mean well for you – even if it is just one person. Engage in activities that bring you joy. If need be, and you want to, dedicate more time for yourself instead of others, while you recharge your heart and brain battery. This is not selfishness. It is survival where your overall well-being matters.

If you ever feel like giving up, ask for help. It is fine to ask for assistance. While strong people can be an island, reaching out to the community, whether it’s a true friend, a supportive family, or a professional is healthy so that you can open up about your struggles. Strength is not about enduring in silence only. It is also knowing when you need help and when to ask for it. Just make sure that those you are reaching out to you are not toxic as it will backfire.

Yes, life is tough. Yes, you were not born to live in survival mode. Yes, you are tired of “surviving” not only your worst days but also every single day. Yes, you want to LIVE in a world in which childhood traumas, evil people and the ways in which this evil world contributes to your constant pain and worries, is a pain in the neck. Yes, I am with you. Each day of your life is becoming a little more unbearable. Each day of your life, you little less look forward to live. Because the rainbow is just too far away. Being told that you are finally at the end of the road which you have been travelling most of your life, becomes daunting and hopeless.

Yes, life is tough. But tough times don’t last forever. Tough people do. You are larger than life.

And yet, I tell you: No matter how difficult life becomes at times, never give up. Never give in. You can start a spark until that spark can become a fire again. Your fire. Burning. #chooselifealways


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