Hypocritical Editor Herman Grech’s note is one of slandering and should be dragged to court

On 4th September, Times of Malta published an article titled ‘Letters to the Editor, September 4, 2024’ which highlighted two letters that were sent to its editor, Herman Grech.

The first belongs to a Ray Azzopardi from St. Julian’s which deals about the current state of corruption in Malta which is at a stage of no return and the second one belongs to Adriano Spiteri.

That of Adriano Spiteri reads:

Board secretary role

“I refer to the editorial ‘How to promote racial hatred’ (August 30), specifically: “The broadcasting watchdog’s board secretary, Adriano Spiteri, served as secretary of Imperium Europa – Lowell’s party – until 2022. It is, at best, incongruent that, in such circumstances, he should have been allowed to attend the hearings.”

The role of the secretary to the board of the Broadcasting Authority mainly consists of the taking of minutes. These are then approved by the board. Reference can be made to chapter 350 and S.L. 350.06.

The hearings are public. Reference is made to article 15 of S.L. 350.06, the Code for the Investigation and Determination of Complaints. Therefore, any person “is allowed to attend the hearings”. The editorial goes a step further. It is not only objecting to my presence as a secretary but also to my presence in a public hearing in general.

The editorial itself acknowledges that I am not an active member in a political party, since 2022. Despite this acknowledgment, the article continues ‘it is, at best, incongruent that, in such circumstances, he should have been allowed to attend the hearings’ when hearings are public. It is unaccountable and highly irresponsible of the Times of Malta to reach such a conclusion without providing an explanation to the reader as to why this is so. It is evidently clear that the constant criticism of my role as a secretary and of my presence in a public hearing is only being raised due to the political opinion I espoused.”

The cited article refers to the decision taken by the Broadcasting Authority to fine RTK103 more than 11k in eighth months because communism has it only one way and will not have it to oppose and challenge Norman Lowell. In the same editorial, one of the points was highlighted was the following:

“The broadcasting watchdog’s board secretary, Adriano Spiteri, served as secretary of Imperium Europa – Lowell’s party – until 2022. It is, at best, incongruent that, in such circumstances, he should have been allowed to attend the hearings.”

With such a point, the editorial is hinting that the BA’s decision was biased. And this is to what Mr Spiteri responded to.

Firstly, this response should have been allotted an article on its own with a proper, [hopefully] fair headline that gives it justice.

Secondly, Mr Spiteri is trying to inform Communism and its corporate media that in an open democracy, people have a right to have a political opinion and to attend public hearings. Moreover, Mr Spiteri is no longer affiliated with Imperium Europa and I think we all agree that the BA’s decision did not depend solely on one person and I am sure that there were other political opinions.

But for Communism and its corporate media, Norman Lowell is a racist who should be kept at bay and that the BA’s decision was unlawful and “untenable.” I repeat that such a decision against a radio station which should be for everyone as it is a Church media but which has turned into another mouthpiece of the Repubblichini & Friends & the Tribe of Austin Gatt, is commendable.

Why do I say so? Because we have had liberals, atheists, woke, leftists and communists forcing down their beliefs on us for many years now. Just like they are given a platform to speak, so should others be given a platform on all medias to speak.

But what is good for the goose is not good for Communism and its corporate media. While “The Times attacks the government on nepotism, the editor asks his brother to give a course to his journalists about misinformation and hides this parental relationship from his readers.” How’s that for fairness? Please read here.

But what is good for the goose is not good for Communism and its corporate media. Herman Grech’s former wife and former employee of the Times was on the selection board for the prizes of journalists which were awarded to the same Times’ journalists! How’s that for fairness? Is it fair to have relatives and friends of the Times hogging the judging panel for the national journalism competition and giving the trophy case to The Times’ reporters? Please read here and here.

But what is good for the goose is not good for Communism and its corporate media. Matthew Xuereb, former assistant editor for the same ‘Say Cheese’ media, was the one who selected the judges for the competition. Xuereb is now the new editor-in-chief for Newsbook and RTK103 and is currently the president of the Institute of Maltese Journalists.

This is what we should be fuming about because this was a clear case of bias in a competition.

But do you see how it works with Grech coming out displacing and projecting the Times’ wrongdoings onto others?

But do you see how it works with Grech coming out defending, indirectly, the new editor-in-chief for Newsbook and RTK 103, who was an assistant editor of the media for which Grech is the editor, by attacking Spiteri?

It seems like Repubblika and Gatt Octopus & Co has its tentacles everywhere.

But for Communism and its corporate media this is fine. Mr Spiteri, on the other hand, has no right to attend a public hearing, as if having a political opinion today, is a crime. But for Communism and its corporate media, it is a must that we make the masses believe that Norman Lowell is a ‘racist’ which he is not! He has always defended Malta against the migrant invasion and has kept this stance up till this day, which I fully support.

Dear Herman Grech of the Times of the New Migrant Malta, are you defending the migrant invasion because if you don’t, you and your media will be accused of ‘hate speech’ as per the UN Migration Pact? How does it feel that you are throwing Malta and the Maltese out of the window, simply because you have to obey the hands that feed you?

Dear Herman Grech, how do you feel knowing that the media of which you are the editor, is pushing an evil agenda on a country which is a member of this globalist communist cartel to which we are being subjected?

Is it because Lowell is trying to un-program the Maltese nation from what Communism and its media are programming it – that of how to think and speak in politically-correct pro-migration terms, the so-called ‘politically correct speech’?

Are you, Herman Grech, promulgating the aspirations of evil men who seek to destroy society for their gain – in this case, Maltese society?

Do you have some kind of love in your heart towards your country and other Maltese fellow men and women, Herman Grech?

What do you think dear readers, after reading Grech’s note at the end of the ‘letters to the editor’ article:

“It is important to recognise that affiliation with a far-right party rooted in Nazi ideologies isn’t just a political stance – it is an endorsement of hate, which raises legitimate concerns about Mr Spiteri’s role in a public authority.”

This is false. This is a lie. This is vile. This is villainous. This is slandering. This is pure hatred. This is terrorism.

And if I were Mr Spiteri I would drag it to court.

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