Humanists Malta, the for-profit organization working with the government to expand the agendas, and its team

Looking into the team of the ‘for-profit organization’ working with the government, Humanists Malta, we get, among the list, Joanna Onions, the person in charge of researching for the propaganda campaign in lockstep with the brainwashing of the masses’ grey matter and the zombification of the spirit; we get Soroush Hoseini, in charge of the Multiculturalism and Diversity, that is, migrant invasion and LGBTQ agendas; and the chairperson Christian Colombo. And just like that, by yet another ‘coincidence’ in the series named My Life Treading on the Divine Plan, I happened to have met Colombo in the past through a former colleague. I remember him talking about the goal of setting up such a foundation, but little details were given and all was depicted as beautiful. But my gut didn’t buy it – while Colombo was selling this initiative, it was screaming and squirming which signalled to me that something is not right.

By the way, they also have a treasurer who makes sure that the for-profit organization’s account is overflown. Through donors of course.

So, I would like to ask Christopher Colombo, as a CEO of the for-profit organization Humanists Malta, working with the government for the government, will you be trying to sell euthanasia machines for the elderly and the sick in a bigger state sanctioned scheme in order to make our country healthier and younger?

Are you tasked with finding a catchy, cool, uplifting name for this program?

Asking for the medicine chant on behalf of True Warriors Revisited.

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