How Silvio Schembri allowed developers & Paul Attard, the secretary general of the Malta Developers Association, to rape Malta in return for bribes

PA/00371/24 – the vacant site in Triq is-Sagħtar c/w Wesgħat in-Narċis c/w, Triq il-Miġbħa, Mellieħa, where there is a proposed excavation and construction of 171 garages on 2 basement levels for private cars, with 23 residential units at each level, and 17 penthouses at recessed floor, has as applicant Paul Attard T & S Property Holdings Limited.

Linked to this is former land minister Silvio Schembri of the Happy Lands. At the time, Schembri was politically responsible for the Lands Authority and holding direct control over it.

Please note that Paul Attard of T & S Property Holdings Limited is the secretary general of the Malta Developers Association (MDA) which should be called from now on Malta Destruction Authority and is also one of the island’s leading developers [Attard is one of the island’s leading destructors, that is] – you know, he is part of the same Big Concrete Business which convened with Big Government to discuss communist tax reforms. U kellu l-privileġġ u l-wiċċ tost jidħol Kastilja dan? Jien irrid inkun prim ministru – armata ħdejn il-bieb u kollha barra bid-daqq filwaqt li ma’ widnejja nżomm it-telefown bil-lest ħa nċempel lil tal-gaffa ħa jmur ineħħi kollox!

But this is not how things work in Auberge de Castille by the Castillians of the Auberge. The Castillians of the Auberge need Malta Destruction Authority because in return, Malta Destruction Authority gives them some blocks every now and then, so that the Castillians of the Auberge can revert those to the needy who require housing from the same Castillians of the Auberge so in return, the Castillians of the Auberge acquire votes so that they are kept in Auberge de Castille. Barra! Itilqu ‘l barra!

Are you realizing how things work, when they sit their arse together with the Castille Chieftain in Castille Castle to give him orders?

A reminder, that not only was this MDA’s secretary general given the green light by the Lands Authority of Silvio Schembri of the Happy Lands to take over this large tract of public land in Mellieħa, but it was also issued for sale by the same authority at much lower than current market rates and under “unusual circumstances.”

Schembri is well known to collude with Big Business and Big Businessmen. U mela żigg, Sur Kappillan. X’ala biebu mill-poplu li suppost qed iservi! Poter – ieħor għatxan għall-poter u kilba għall-flus. Of course. So when he is no longer in politics, he can continue to enjoy the corrupt empire that he built out of corrupt deeds while in politics. Mhux ċuċ! U mela żigg, Sur Kappillan.

“Since Silvio Schembri was made responsible for the Lands Authority and Indis Malta, several stories involving his connections to various land speculators and property developers have emerged.

“The latest involves developer Josef Dimech was granted a massive plot of public land in Hal Far to turn most of it into rentable space not associated with his aluminium business.”

“This plot, valued at €17 million, was granted by Indis Malta under the chairmanship of Jean Pierre Attard, Schembri’s chief canvasser.”

According to law, industrial public property cannot be subleased.

The same happened earlier in another deal with Carmelo Penza, another property developer.

Schembri also used for years another constituency office in Siggiewi. “The Shift revealed how this property is owned by Anton Camilleri, known as il-Franciz, an established developer who is now expected to turn Villa Rosa in St George’s Bay into a massive development engulfing the whole bay. The Lands Authority transferred land to Camilleri at rates below market value, which he needed to complete the land puzzle involving his controversial Villa Rosa proposal.”

More public land was given to the Zammit Tabonas for their lido in Tigne, as well as to Ninu Fenech’s Tum Invest and Burmarrad Commercials business development in Marsa in the area around the former Edible Oil factory, among others.”

And the bribe goes to Minister Silvio Schembri – in the form of an office! Schembri was given a constituency office in Luqa situated within a new apartment block built by the same Paul Attard, a director and shareholder of leading construction company GAP Developments. Investigations carried out by The Shift show that the minister does not own the office. U mhux tajjeb jew! Tieħu uffiċċju. Mhemmx għalfejn ikun tiegħek…. on paper. U xi appartament lussuż Ta’ Xbiex jgħaddi wkoll, tafux!

And the second bribe goes to Minister Silvio Schembri’s wife.

“Lands Minister Silvio Schembri’s wife has set up a property development business while her husband is in charge of public land and has been at the centre of several scandals in which he has handed out public property to major developers for a pittance.

Filed at the Malta Business Registry (MBR) last year, where Deandra Schembri works as the regulator’s chief legal officer, DZF Ltd was registered at the couple’s residence in Luqa.

The company is fully owned by the Lands Minister’s wife, who is also acting as the company’s sole director.

According to the company’s memorandum and articles of association, the company’s main objective is property speculation, including the acquisition and excavation of building sites, construction and the provision of construction materials.

While the Lands Minister does not appear anywhere on the company’s documents, he owns half of the company through the community of acquests with his wife. This is confirmed through his declaration of assets, where he lists his wife’s new property development business.

The minister refused to reply to questions on his wife’s new private business venture and on whether he considers this ethical since he is responsible for handing out public land, both commercial and industrial.

“He also declined to state whether he has asked for the prime minister’s advice over this potential conflict of interest in line with the ministerial code of ethics.” Either Abela has his hands in the cookie jar or he is on his usual cloud 9.

‘Minister Schembri deals with big businessmen wanting to acquire and develop public land at advantageous rates on a daily basis. One can just only imagine the conflicts when his wife is now operating in the same business, including the acquisition of land, architects, valuations and the supply of building materials.’

“Government sources have told The Shift that the fact that the Lands Minister’s wife now has a private property development business is a red flag.”

L-aqwa l-Malta flimkien fuq wara! X’ipokrita’ jaq! X’ma ċċarratx ħalqek u xxejjer bil-qalb fuq it-tron!

What is also and maybe more of a red flag is the fact that he is still in Parliament enjoying his conceited and arrogant arse with the portfolio of the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects. Another Fabian Socialist insomma. L-ekonomija żgur ħa tirpilja bih.

Għax għal Robert Abela, min qal ‘La kulħadd jitħanżer, mela nieħu paga oħra’ tkeċċiet u ttalbet titlob skuża. Imma xi ħadd li tħanżer bil-kbir, jibqa’ fil-parlament u jtih ministeru ieħor! U mela żigg, Sur Kappillan.

Darba inzertajtu Ħal Qormi waqt li kont ħierġa mill-karozza u malli lmaħtu, l-ewwel ħsieb li għadda fl-istonku li m’għandkomx idea kemm tgħawweġ, kien ‘X’arroganza u ppuppar tas-sider.’ U nassigurakom li jiena nxomm in-nies iktar milli jxommu l-bettieħ elf imnieħer f’daqqa!!

Agħmlilna pjaċir u itlaq ‘il barra! Barra. Out – because you have sold us with businessmen for money and gifts! And not only out! All the empire you have built with corrupted means and deeds is to fall with you! All the money you have made with corrupted means and deeds is to be given to the Maltese people. And you won’t be allowed to touch politics and any other sector, including those of the revolving doors.

Minister Schembri, you better start knocking on wood!

You will appear in front of the Maltese nation which will be the jury in your case of fraud, corruption and betrayal and your sentence will be decided the minute the jury is shown the case, before your lawyers would have had the chance to mislead it and speak.

Schembri of the happy smiles and happy lands. All poses of the typical rich tycoons and richness. How much does that watch cost, by any chance? I’m curious. Of course he smiles! He has turned himself into a guru of businessmen for so much in return.
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