How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (22)

However, not everyone is able to uproot their life and relocate. What are the remaining realistic options? Finding the source of the issue is a wise first step. The combination of what seems to be private industry and government is the problem. Restricting the state’s power is the only way to break it. There is no way to stop it once we give the state authority over every aspect of our lives.

Because those who work in those fields provide banking, medical, energy, power, gas, and oil services, among other services that go toward the government, buy off politicians, make mergers, and pass laws that benefit them, and the gum-chewing public thinks, “Well, we voted for these guys. Thus, we believe it to be in our best interests.” They’re not understanding it. They don’t get it. The only people who will run for political office will be those who want to serve their country since they won’t be able to steal anything if all temptation and power are removed from them.

Reducing the size of the government is another wise move. In some nations, the constitution allows for any government to propose an amendment stating that before passing any new laws, acts, codes, or regulations, the lawmakers must first find two existing laws, acts, codes, or regulations to repeal. This could be another means of reducing the size of the government. This also applies to each and every agency. They have to close two departments or agencies before they may start another.

Humanity is defined by his or her own freedom. Even if rules and laws might protect us from potential dangers, safety is nothing without the ability to live your life as you like. One of humanity’s most essential and vital traits is freedom. Government promises have the power to persuade us to give up our freedom, but nothing affects a person more deeply than being refused something they desperately need because they chose to give up their freedom in the first place.

Therefore, when you are terminally ill and you learn that there are cures out there, but you can only access government-approved treatments for your illness, and that you need to find something else to survive, and you learn that the government is blocking your desire and freedom of choice to achieve that end, you realize that just when you need freedom the most, it has been taken away from you.

When you have been in your family’s farm for 300 years or more and officials raid your farm as if you were a drug kingpin involved in a nationwide drug transaction, even though you are only selling raw milk, then you realize that everything in your life has changed drastically.

Alternatively, you can be a small company owner who finds that it will cost more to comply with APA laws than it will to operate a gas station. Alternatively, you decide you want to open a restaurant and learn that state and local laws will affect it. You will need to hire accountants, lawyers, and other professionals with specialized training to submit your application, fill out all the forms, pay the fees, and obtain the necessary licenses. Only to be in the business of retailing food that has already been produced and distributed by others.


How to regain freedom is a big question. The person is aware of their own existence. The person is aware of their freedom to select the kind of life and future they desire. Either our civilizations are free or they are not. Either individual freedom exists or it does not. This concludes the matter. There must be freedom if you wish to live a real life. People must therefore take action anytime they perceive a threat to individual freedom in any area of human endeavor. That’s where you begin.

Maybe we can stop the government gangs from sitting there controlling our lives and denying us the freedom and liberty that we were promised in an open democracy if we get honest people to run for office and we say “no more.”

Each of us is unique. Everybody is capable of thinking, making decisions, and—above all—being heard. Perhaps now is the right time to start sobbing over spilt milk.

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