How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (19)

The hardworking individuals are too busy to observe, hear, or witness what is happening. They strive to make ends meet while working nonstop. What do people watch, though? Kardashians – and who would have guessed? One of them is pregnant and is going to have a child soon.

The media ensures that the general public doesn’t linger too long on any important topic. Everybody has witnessed the phenomenon where a very serious issue involving serious aspects of the world’s events surfaces and is covered by the media for a brief while before being switched off and replaced with soap operas, lives of celebrities, fashion, Dancing with the Stars, and other forms of entertainment that, while entertaining, are not as serious as, say, the American government’s restriction of people’s freedoms as a result of the Patriot Act Amendment. Or the UN Migration Pact signed by the Labour Government. Or the Lisbon Treaty signed by the PN. And the implications of those.

The media definitely doesn’t give fair, balanced and investigative write-ups of world events and agendas. Thankfully, today, there are other networks available to those seeking unfiltered news. And this is the internet.

Decentralization was greatly aided by the way the internet and the web were built. It transferred power from those in the middle of things to the people themselves, enabling them to send and receive messages. And for established stake holders, that is a frightening prospect. Threatening the corporate media that is so tightly regulated is any alternative media. Because it allows practically anybody to access the world, the internet is undoubtedly a threat. Are we really shocked, then, that the politicians who object to that are always concerned with finding a way to put a stop to it? Shouldn’t it come as no surprise that we are currently going through online censorship? Haven’t we witnessed Pavel Durov, the Russian-born Emirati founder of the Messenger App, Telegram, being arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris? By the time it is 2030 we will get arrested for liking a meme!

Every nation in Europe is completely screwed. This kind of behavior is encouraged by the EU government. They even have the RAN commission, which receives funding from our taxes and employs spies in every member state of the EU. These spies are urged to denounce honorable individuals who exhibit a modicum of independence and a desire to protect their rights. The same organization stands up for IS militants who flee to Europe and say they require assistance reintegrating. Only a few weeks prior the arrest of Durov, Colin McNeal was found guilty in England and imprisoned for seven years for running a social network platform that promoted free speech. He was judged to have committed terrorism! The way the BBC covered this story gives the impression that he was a monster, but in reality, he was simply a regular guy living in poverty who knew a lot about IT and detested authoritarianism. His website, worldtruthMX, was free and at the time was not very well known.

What is the formula that governments use? It’s always the same old trick, my dears. Just tell the people that there a threat out there that only the government can control – like cyber terrorism, cyber crime, terrorism, and child pornography. And so, Big Daddy Government tells you that it has to control the internet otherwise you will be badly affected. That is why, especially in these unprecedented times, they are working around the clock to try and scare people into thinking that the internet must be controlled by the trustworthy political figures and the hands at the back, so that they choose for you what is proper and improper for you to watch. With such an excuse, they are abolishing freedom, your right to exercise freedom, and hiding the Truth while keeping only their Lies.

X (Formerly Twitter)