How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (18)

It’s nearly hard to tell whether the regulations we follow are genuinely for our safety or are just there to help Big Business and its shareholders. This is because regulatory agencies are so closely linked to the industry. For any reason, the final effect is that we have fewer and fewer options since the wants of others have such a strong influence over our life.

The whole point of government regulation is to take away your options. Your freedom of choice is taken away by the government, which also approves of everything you see around you and the decisions you make regarding what to consume. Do you still believe you are free?

True freedom is also about choices.

The politicians from the political barnyard then hammer home the point that voting is vital because it is our civic responsibility. They can trust us to cast ballots, but not to make fundamental decisions like which broker to employ, whether to buy or rent a home, whether to wear a helmet or a seat belt, whether to smoke cigarettes, and so on. The government must make all of these decisions, yet for some reason we are intelligent enough to cast our votes but dumb enough to do anything else..

Not only does this excessive control through over-regulation restrict our options, but it also has other effects. Government power has been extended at the expense of individual liberties as a result of granting authorities the ability to control our lives, even in the name of protection. How does the proverb go? Give the government even a little wiggle room, and you will you lose your money, your life, or your favorite dairy product. Something like that.

The more laws there are; the more rules and regulations there are; the more taxes there are – the less freedom you have. What is freedom? Freedom has many faces but freedom is also freedom from government. So, when people are free, it means that they do what they want without having to do what the government tells them.

State paternalism is a favorite among bureaucrats. Individual choices are made by the government, which actually robs people of their sovereignty. It reduces people to nothing more than tools of the State, preventing them from pursuing their own interests or enjoying the pleasures and advantages of liberty.

Who owns us is ultimately what matters. Who owns the individual? A system that restricts choice is incompatible with safeguarding our ability to make wise decisions and preventing the possibility of making poor decisions. This is the issue. You cannot have it both ways. Risk is necessary for freedom. Freedom requires risk.

So why should I buckle up? Are our funds actually safe in the banks? Do we actually need life and health insurance? Because we are all so preoccupied with our everyday activities, it can be extremely difficult to make big judgments. Many people would rather not have to make decisions at all, even if it means that the decisions that are made for them aren’t the ideal ones and the best for them.

The problematic masses prefer the government to take all of the decisions for them. However, once a point is reached, as it was in the former Soviet Union, where decisions made by the government destroy free agency and the economy, making everyone the state’s servant, people eventually come to the conclusion in large numbers that they are not getting what they were promised, that they are being overtaxed and overregulated, that they have few options, that paternalism is repugnant, and they will reject it.

They want their freedom.

But until this point is reached, the masses will remain content with their comfortable lives and that weekend break, and with the choices that are made available to them – the choices that the government decides should be choices.

And you believe you are free?

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