How do governments collude with corporations, lobbyists, NGOs and academia to suppress your freedom? (17)

Every sector where money-making is the deal has been affected by the revolving door. Even relatively new agencies become subject to its spin.

Proof? Try to take some nail clippers on a flight. In airports, agents invade our privacy, going through our luggage and all of that stuff, without having an option to say no. Once you get in the line, you’ve had it. What is the point of this entire system? It’s a security theatre. It’s to make people feel scared, not to make them feel safe. Because the more governments can make people feel scared, the more they can take a little bit of their rights away all the time while constantly reminding them that they need the government to keep them safe.

The body scanners we find at airports so to prohibit you from taking dangerous objects onto the plane, like bottles of water for example, [pun intended] were installed, in America, during the TSA regulations. As head of the Department of Homeland Security between 2005 and 2009, Michael Chertoff required every airport in America to have those body scanners installed, for the Americans’ safety of course.

He is on record stating: “This technology allows us to detect any item concealed on a person’s body including moulded plastic hidden under clothing.”

Guess? These body scanners which were installed under Chertoff’s watch in all America’s airports, were of a company called Rapiscan. Can you guess who worked as a consultant for Rapiscan after leaving Homeland Security? Yeah. You’re right. Somebody whose surname is Chertoff. After appearing on all national media stating the need to get X-ray machines for the airports, you get Rapiscan doing all this for which he was promised a consultancy job once he leaves Homeland Security. Et viola’ – you get somebody’s scan to X-RAY YOU. Do you understand what this x-ray thing means?

So, GMOs are safe, but raw milk isn’t. Killing poultry in the open air is unsanitary but drugs that cause heart attacks are fine. A joint would turn you into a killer but getting X-rayed at the airport is vital to national security, and finally, stealing from your customers is fine provided you do it a billion dollars at a time.

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