Government, EU, a foundation & academia have yet again colluded together in an evil agenda: the newly built first carbon neutral school

Both parties are playing the carbon neutral dangerous agenda. The game is no longer valid the minute we start playing. They are in a rush, addicted to the crush of a nation. The carbon neutral bullshit is the stick that will hold us to the ground.

Please cry ‘mea culpa’ each time you vote for these two traitors.

So, while the PN says that the PL has no vision for a carbon neutral economy, meaning, that it will do worse once and if in government, the PL has yet spent money wrongly to build the first carbon neutral school in Msida co-funded by the EU of course. The information can be found on the Facebook page of the Department of Information:

L-iskola primarja l-ġdida tal-Imsida li se tilqa’ fiha l-istudenti u l-edukaturi minn dan ix-xahar, se tkun l-ewwel skola pubblika carbon neutral li qatt inbniet lokalment. [The new Msida primary school which will welcome students and educators from this month, will be the first carbon neutral public school ever built locally.]

Kofinanzjata mill-Programmi NextGenerationEU permezz tal-Pjan ta’ Rkupru u Reżiljenza ta’ Malta, l-iskola tistabbilixxi standards ambjentali ġodda fil-faċilitajiet edukattivi ta’ Malta. B’hekk se tilħaq l-ogħla klassifikazzjoni tal-enerġija ta’ A+ b’rating EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) ta’ -9, li jagħmel l-iskola primarja l-ġdida tal-Imsida l-ewwel tax-xorta tagħha fl-gżejjer Maltin f’termini ta’ faċilitajiet edukattivi u bini. [Co-financed by the NextGenerationEU Programs through the Malta Recovery and Resilience Plan, the school sets new environmental standards in Malta’s educational facilities. It will thus achieve the highest energy rating of A+ with an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of -9, making the new Msida primary school the first of its kind in Maltese islands in terms of educational facilities and buildings.]

Id-disinn tal-bini tal-iskola sar skont standards tal-aqwa prattika u b’tali mod biex jiġi żgurat li l-ħtiġijiet ta’ enerġija jkunu kemm jista’ jkun baxxi. Biex jintlaħaq dan l-għan il-Fondazzjoni għall-Iskejjel t’Għada, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Università ta’ Malta, wettqet studji tekniċi preliminari fuq il-kunċetti tad-disinn arkitettoniku bl-għan li dawn jaslu għal miżuri xierqa u miżuri kostottimali, biex id-disinn jersaq lejn l-istatus ta’ kważi żero-enerġija. [The design of the school building has been done according to best practice standards and in such a way as to ensure that energy needs are as low as possible. To achieve this goal the Foundation for the Schools of Tomorrow, in collaboration with the University of Malta, carried out preliminary technical studies on the architectural design concepts with the aim of arriving at appropriate and cost-optimal measures , to bring the design closer to near-zero-energy status.]

L-iskola l-ġdida għandha madwar 40 klassi, ċentru għall-ħarsien tat-tfal, librerija pubblika u sala li se tkun tesa’ madwar 300 persuna. Il-librerija pubblika, is-sala u anke ammont ta’ spazju rikreattiv se jkunu jistgħu jintużaw mill-komunità lokali wara l-ħinijiet tal-iskola. [The new school has around 40 classrooms, a childcare centre, a public library and a hall that will seat around 300 people. The public library, the hall and even an amount of recreational space will be able to be used by the local community after school hours.]

Government, the EU, a foundation and academia have yet again colluded again in the consolidation of this agenda, through a project. Yet again, these have colluded again to suppress your freedom, which is slowly, slowly being nibbled away.

This carbon neutral agenda is a killing agenda. It is the stick that will hold us all to the ground and once it is fully and successfully accepted by the sleepy masses, it is game over. It is a no thank you from me.

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