Former Illuminati member explains how the Illuminati framed him and put him in prison (9)

“In May, I’ll have been in custody for 4 years. In January, this year I was already in prison for 3 years, for something that I didn’t do, and for something that could have proved I was innocent, if I’d just been allowed to produce witnesses. In essence, I have to hire an attorney who will subpoena the witnesses who will make no deal to sell me out and will let me have a fair trial.

There is something else that you need to know. Three days after I was placed in jail without bail my attorney came to me. He said the Federal prosecutor, the assistant attorney general, whatever you want to call him the attorney solicitor, wanted to make a deal. Now remember I was facing a state charge not a federal charge. But this was the Feds. Now all I had to do was tell him where all the Christians were hiding, identify all these people in the underground, and I could go free. And I said no. It’s a matter of record that a federal proffer, this is an immunity grant for testimony, was offered to me – it’s on record – and it was turned down.

After I was convicted in ’88 I was sent to prison in Columbia – there are several. Kirkland was the name of mine. I was called up front and I was told to sit down and wait, that the secret service was coming to talk to me. The woman supervising officer who was on duty found it strange that this secret service agent who was supposed to be locally from Columbia did not know where the prison was. And she just said, ‘Boy they are hiring dumb people. Today we had to give him instruction how to get here.’ When he arrived he let it slip out that he was actually a member of President Raegan’s body guard staff from Washington D.C. He said that he had to leave in a couple of days to Moscow. This was right before the Raegan-Moscow trip. And that he had to get ready to set up for the President. What was he doing here? And all he wanted was the same information. Of course it was the information. Why was the secret service involved? He was a member of Reagan’s staff.

Now after that, I was left alone, everything was left alone for a long time. And then in ’90 in the winter of ’90, the FBI came. I had been moved to a, ah – I had been in three prisons. They keep moving me around and they are fixing to move me again is what they tell me. The FBI came – this was late at night. I was brought from my cell after everyone else was locked down, and I was taken up front. There were two agents of the FBI. They said they were there to question me again, was I willing to talk? Was I willing to make a deal? I said, ‘No.’ They said all this could be behind me. I said, ‘No.’ They left. They’ve come back three other times. Finally they quit coming. I guess they are getting the message. But I kind of expect them to show up now that I’ve lost the post-conviction. As soon as I get notified in writing that I’ve lost this post-conviction, I expect for them to show up again trying to know if I will make a deal. The answer is ‘no.’

Isn’t it amazing that I’m supposed to be this terrible rapist on a state charge that the Feds somehow have authority over this state charge and they are willing to let me just go, wipe it off the books for turning Christians who are wanted for nothing? A lot of times nothing but misdemeanor warrants, or child custody warrants where the state wants to take the kids, or for violations of court orders. A lot of these people are on the run, from Christian schools where the state has sworn out warrants for these Christians because there were teaching the children, and the state decided that this was not right and so on. Little stuff, and yet they are willing to let me go for all these people plus the Christians who are hiding them out.

I think you’d better wake up brothers and sisters, because I was sent to prison without the right to a fair trial and I want to tell you that. It could be done real easy. It could be done real right easy.

They control the media.

They could say anything about you they want to say.

They control the governments.

They control the police forces.

Wake up!”

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