Former Illuminati member explains how the Illuminati framed him and put him in prison (6)

“The situation was this. I was held for nine months in custody waiting trial. The speedy trial law here was totally disregarded by the judge. The reason I was held so long is this woman moved out of state and didn’t want to come back to the state. It was not – I believe this – it was not really a conspiracy in the beginning. This was a woman who wanted revenge for being fired. When it got out of hand she didn’t know who she was dealing with. When it had gotten out of hand and become so publicized and she saw all these people running around trying desperately to do me in, she ran away. See, what happened was that when she went to SLED, they typed my name into the computer that they have there. They have what they call a black list, a hit list that the politicians in South Carolina put people on. When my name popped up it became a field day and it just became too much for her, and she left, and they had to force her to come back. Now whether she was honest with them or whether they really knew what had happened or what I do know. But they completely changed her appearance for the trial. They dyed her hair, they put her in different clothes, they restyled and cut her hair so that this was how much she changed. I had only seen her a couple times, but when she came into the trial I kept asking my attorney when Meryl Blackburn was going to be there. I did not recognize her. That’s how much she had changed.

And so people who would have seen her that night which were alibi witnesses of mine would not have been able to perfectly identify her – that was the plan. And the reason for this is that there were witnesses who could have destroyed her testimony. But most important is lab tests that I happen to know the Lord was behind. I checked into the hospital within six or seven hours from when she claims this had taken place. It was supposed to have taken place on Mother’s Day weekend of ’87 and like in the wee hours of Saturday morning. And Saturday afternoon around lunchtime I was checking in to the hospital. The test on admittance was this test for alcohol and drugs. Now this woman didn’t know that. SLED and the prosecution didn’t know that. And this woman claimed in her affidavit that I had forced her to drink and to take drugs and that I was drinking and taking drugs along with her. The urine analysis totally proved her to be lying; there were no drugs or alcohol in my system. And yet, and let me say that (O.K.), finally it was brought to trail Jan. 21 which was a Thursday of 1988.

The jury was selected. A week before I was to go to trial I had all the funds that I had left. I settled my law suit out of court, which was to be $120,000. I settled it out for $10,000 and gave it to my attorney who was supposed to spend it all on a private investigator. This private investigator was an ex-SLED agent. Supposedly, he tracked down all the witnesses I had told him. There was enough evidence for, all this time I sat there and I knew I was going to be found innocent. I knew I was innocent. I knew the evidence was there to prove it. And the lawyer came and told me they had the lab tests. That they went before the judge and argued against the solicitor and got lab tests admitted into evidence and it was going to be there. He had drawn as he put it 32 witness’s subpoenas and had served most of them, and was going to have the witnesses there and it was going to be an open show.

And so all day of the 21st I watched the trial not worried, and yet not understanding what my attorney was doing. My attorney was making me out to be the bad-you see. My attorney wanted me to take the stand and say I had an affair with this woman and she was just upset. And I wouldn’t do it. I didn’t know at the time that he was in on it. And if they lost, they really weren’t going to lose this case. If they lost, they wanted at least to destroy my reputation. And I couldn’t understand where the witnesses were. And I didn’t know until this month that they were there, they were just segregated outside of the courtroom. And so all day of the 21st I listened to the testimony. It was so ridiculous the jurors were laughing at the testimony – that’s how ridiculous. I insisted when some nurses were up for jury duty. I had insisted they get on the stand because they would have been able to believe the medical evidence. I mean the medical evidence which cleared me. We won right then and there.”

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