Former Illuminati member explains how the Illuminati framed him and put him in prison (4)

“While I was at SLED headquarters, the solicitor who had left us after we had left the apartment went and held a press conference. This was his story: I was arrested for one rape, I was suspected in three, maybe, as many as eighty. That’s right. Family members on their way home from work at five thirty in the evening were hearing this on the radio. Never before was anybody that wasn’t a murderer ever given this much publicity, and never before in the history of SLED had a person who was charged only with criminal sexual assault ever been investigated or charged by SLED.

Before I was even booked in jail, I realized that these folks did not believe I was guilty. They were only interested in something else. I wasn’t sure quite yet what. The next morning I was brought before a state magistrate for a ball hearing and to be arraigned. I was denied bail on the following. Now listen to this. The solicitor tells the magistrate the following – I’m not a resident of South Carolina. Bet he had just searched my apartment. I had several businesses in South Carolina and had lived here for years. Further, they said I had no residence in South Carolina. And yet they had just searched it. Three, they said I had a passport and they were worried I’d flee the country. The passport had been taken from my apartment and had expired on that very day on my birthday of 1967, and they knew it.

The next statement was that I had no family members in South Carolina, and yet, I had children right here. As I tried to tell the magistrate this was all incorrect, he wouldn’t hear it. I had not yet realized that I was on the front cover of the state newspaper. Now the state newspaper is the newspaper in Columbia. It had a co-owned newspaper called The Record which does not exist now. They have combined them. The newspapers print whatever the authorities want them to print in this state. The interesting thing in this was that it started to go into my military record. Now the Illuminati and collaborators in the Christian church have bled to discredit me for years. Mainly, they have said that I have lied about my participation in the military, what I was involved in, that I was in Vietnam, or any of this.

During the next several days, the state became very upset at the U.S. military because the U.S. military said I was involved in a military group in Vietnam called Phoenix and that all members who were in Phoenix their military records were sealed and in Langley, VA, with the CIA. That is what I have said for years and years and years. And after all this, thousands and thousands of dollars paid to the collaborators within the Christian Church to Illuminati collaborators and plants have put out about me. This newspaper, which was trying to harm me, destroyed it in a matter of days. I became known as the survivalist rapist or the green beret rapist and it all came out about me being ex-special forces green beret. All this stuff denied by Christianity Today, and Logos and all these others for over a year was just blown away in a matter of moments.

Over the next two weeks, it went from I was suspected of 80 rapes to 100 rapes. Everyday the solicitor was holding a news conference. Everyday I was smeared in the news. In fact, when they realized that either what they could frame me of, was falling apart on them, they proceeded to take my picture and put it on the television. ‘We know he has done all this. Would anybody who has been followed by this man please come forward.’ They broadcast my picture all over the state. And I imagine – I was told – hundreds of crank calls but nothing ever came out because nothing had ever happened. And the problem was, and we’re only guessing here, the solicitor had been tricked by SLED. The solicitor really believed this. And he thought it was a high publicity case, and it blew up on him and he was embarrassed. But he was being asked, we uncovered this.

This is how it went before my arrest.”

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