Former Illuminati member explains how the Illuminati framed him and put him in prison (11)

“I never understood before as much as I understood now Paul’s writings for when he was in prison to the churches for simple things, a coat, a few belongings, some finances – people who sent to him. And others who totally neglected him yet called themselves his brother and sister in Christ. It was so clear. I am asking for your help. I’m sending this tape to a couple of ministers, who after all these years I finally got their addresses again.

And the Lord has just blessed me recently, and I will send this tape out. Now I’m hoping others will make copies and send it out. I’m hoping the word will get out. There is no use for me giving you my address for they keep moving me around from prison to prison so much I may not even be here before this week is out. So let me give you how to send funds and how to contact me if you really feel you want to reach me. You can write me, and they will send me your letter and I’ll pray about it. And if I need to take the risk and write you, I’ll do it. For those who wish to help, you can send cash, money orders, whatever, since I’m not allowed to sign anything in prison they need to be mailed out to this party [now Fritz Springmeier].

And if you could make it out to the party whose name I am going to give you in a minute [At present checks can be made out to Fritz Springmeier to help Johnnie Todd. Put a notation on the check for what it is for.] You will be surprised for a small contribution of a gift of $5 how grateful I’ll be. Right now the earliest I can get out [without winning in court] is the year 2005. That’s a long time people for something you didn’t do. We just don’t have that long. I’ve got family and loved ones, and brothers and sisters in Christ that I desperately need to be out there for I’m asking for your help.

If the Illuminati, Strom Thurmond and them put so much effort to do this to me, there is a reason. And I’m asking for your help. I’m asking ministers who hear this who have newsletters to just simply send out what is going on here, to make copies of this tape and to make it available. People I don’t have much time left in here. Right now there is a conspiracy going on and one of the reasons I hurry to make this tape is that there is a man in prison who years ago had threatened to kill me. Amazingly, I’m just John Todd. I don’t know why they would want to do that. Because at that time they were not sure what kind of a scandal it would cause. They separated us. They sent us to different prisons. And they put what is called a flag on my record, saying that we couldn’t ever be in the same prison together. Nine months ago, when I was fighting to gain my freedom, lawsuits and doing some different stuff myself, because I didn’t have an attorney, they got upset at me, they wanted to punish me by sending me to another prison. Ok. They couldn’t do it because this man was at that prison. And they let me know they couldn’t do it, that our records were flagged. Now this man was doing a life sentence without parole for murder. Since being in prison he has stabbed four people. Three of them in the last couple years since I’ve known him. He has sworn to kill me. And now he is here. A few weeks ago, he stabbed an inmate, a second inmate at another institution, and instead of charging him with it, and putting him into solitary, like they had done before, they dropped the charges, and sent him to this prison. When I heard that he was here, he was being held up in the lock up in solitary waiting for bed space in my unit. He will be just a couple of cells from me.

I went to the authorities here and I complained. Surprisingly, guess what, brothers and sisters? The flags on our records had disappeared. And there was no record of them ever being there. In fact, they went so far as to say there is no record in our records of us being in the same prison together. And yet we’d been in two prisons together and in the same building a few cells apart. And it’s right there. That much is in the records. Ok. Complaints were filed and so on and so forth. And I looked right at the captain here, Capt. Byrd over security and told him, ‘You did this. You got the man who will kill me. There is no big secret about this. This doesn’t happen by accident.’

Now at that time what was supposed to be done was that they should have shipped me. When I complained they should have shipped me, they claimed they couldn’t send him anywhere else; that he’s been to all these prisons and done all these things; that this was the last place they could have him. Well, they should have sent me away. Now they are claiming that none of the other prisons want to take me. Isn’t it amazing that they can’t ship me when this man is scheduled to move into my unit into my prison dorm here, Friday? This is Monday. They’re doing this to try to kill me. What will happen? I’m in the Lord’s hands. [Johnnie Todd repeats his request for help.] They are afraid that eventually I’ll get my freedom. God bless you.” [end of message.]

The tape was made and quietly gotten out. After Fritz Springmeier’s September newsletter came out, two inmates who were paid to stab Johnnie Todd stabbed him in the back and then while he was on the ground, they stabbed him three more times. Johnnie Todd lost a lot of blood, but he was back on his feet and returned to the general prison population. He remained hopeful to gain freedom the following year, because an appeal was won, and so he had to receive his fair day in court. Hence why he reached out to receive financial help of $800 for a chance to get legal help as he needed to meet legal deadlines.

Johnnie Todd [John Todd Collins] was released from prison in 2004 and placed in a psychiatric facility where he died at the age of 58, in 2007. Remember that the Collins family are of the Illuminati bloodline.

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