Former Illuminati member explains how the Illuminati framed him and put him in prison (1)

This article comes from a tape which was made by someone who is part of the Collins Bloodline, one of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines. I transcribed this tape onto paper, because I feel it deals with an important person and some important issues.

Christians need to realize that what happened to this man who left and tried to expose the Illuminati, is what is in store for many other Christians, that is prison. The Be Wise as Serpents book had an entire chapter on the concentration camps that are already built for Christians. There are friends of mine who feel very convinced that this ex-Illuminatus is the real thing, and that he was really part of the Illuminati. Then, there are some who feed he is not for real. There has been an intense program of discrediting this man which was orchestrated by the Illuminati and their plants with the Christian people. I have listened to both sides of the issue, and then listened to the man himself, and I am convinced he is for real. I believe he was really part of the Illuminati. That was this author’s conclusion, although I’m not so firm that I wouldn’t bend if new evidence confirmed differently. I have listened to hours of accusations, that were leveled against this ex-Illuminatus even before he was framed, and most if not all amount to nothing.

When I have asked people what their objections were to this man, they have said they are convinced he was a Satanist, but that they doubt his illuminati credentials. But the man is part of one of the most powerful bloodlines in the world, the Collins family. Whether he got high in Illuminati can be debated, but if he were in Satanism, which many acknowledge, he would have – almost certainly – been taken into an Illuminati coven:

Feb. 26 1991: “I am John Todd, and this tape is being made in a prison cell in South Carolina. It is very late at night. All the inmates are locked down in their cells, but you will still hear noise off and on. And if the guard comes by, I have to stop and be very quiet. The reason for this tape is that I have been framed and put in prison by orders of the U.S. Senator from South Carolina Strom Thurmond. I’ll go into all the reasons for that, and what happened to me. And only recently, in fact just about a week and a half ago did I find out how it was really accomplished. As I started to say, the reason for this tape is to get the word out about where I’m at. I’ve been in custody almost four years now. I’ve been in a prison cell for three years, and that time is a very closely guarded secret by the government, by the Illuminati and definitely by the conspirators. The word of what has happened to me has not gotten out of the state of South Carolina. Here you have religious magazines that are run by the Illuminati, speakers who are members within their organization, or collaborators who have been bought by them over the years.”

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