Dr Lawrence Gonzi is another devil’s advocate for the climate change agenda

Dr Lawrence Gonzi is another devil’s advocate for the climate change agenda.

He is on record advocating for the need for us to solve climate change in a conversation which was held with him by the POP (Protect our Planet) Movement as part of the POP Climate Leadership Conversations. POP Movement “aims to empower young people to actively address climate issues.” I will tackle this POP movement in another piece.

The date and year? No, it was not anything in between 2004 and 2013 of the 25-year-despotism. Instead, dear readers, open your ears – it was on 30th March, 2021. Isn’t he a retired politician? It is time for the people to exempt politicians from touching any political sector again in direct and indirect ways the minute they are fired by the same people. It is already a huge enigma how such politicians like Gonzi get elected, considering that the ballots are casted from zombified brain compartments of red and blue pills in a matrix of potions, spells and cauldrons.

The conversation was moderated by POP Ocean Mentor [fuzzy titles ad hoc] Ana Hanhausen and it focused on leadership for blue ecosystem restoration. Gonzi discussed the significance of climate change and the need for international cooperation to address it, meaning that nations, including Malta, must join agendas and execute orders by enticing the masses with carrots or by imposing orders, orders which have to be obeyed or else you are fined. Open democracy hux?

In addition, Gonzi discussed the United Nations established Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and its potential significance. Meaning that Gonzi is under the governance of the United Nations, the one world government of the new world order. In fact, Gonzi emphasised the urgent need to prioritise this on our agenda. No need to elaborate. This speaks a million words untold.

When questioned about the significance of restoring blue ecosystems for resilience, Gonzi discussed how our survival depends on blue ecosystems because of weather patterns [he forgot to add weather warfare through manipulation of atmospheric forces via the military], food, trade and other factors.

It is interesting what he said when he spoke about measures taken in Malta: “Political leadership means having the courage to take decisions. Decisions need to be taken not thinking whether it makes you popular or not, but rather what’s necessary for the country.”

Whose decisions? Yours Gonzi, as you work behind the scenes to impose the decisions that are being taken by agencies, foundations and organizations worldwide? Do this nation a favour. Resign from your political seat and take up gardening or better still, take a one-way ticket for any country which is the farthest away from Malta.

Gonzi is a classic politician of elitism. Gonzi wouldn’t be suitable for collecting trash in a rational society and yet he talks trash, while forcing trash and throwing thrash onto the Maltese people, who are at the bottom of the heap of this same trash. But he doesn’t care, of speaking and doing trash – he never cared – because a politician must do ‘what’s necessary for the country’ to bring forth the evil agendas of the United Nations, which Elitist Gonzi, supports and works for.

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