British women’s safety is being mortgaged at the altar of mass immigration and its foul political correctness

As Britain is on life support, British women are afraid to walk its streets because of the open borders policy of the government.

“Such an important issue for me because I’ve been living in London for ten years. I’ve almost lived in multiple others countries around the world. Never before has I felt unsafe as I do now. When I walk down the street, I’m increasingly having ‘Szzz, szzz, szzz,’ I’m increasingly being followed like I’m going round the souks of Morocco and it’s not visibly to me anyway – people who are born and bred here. It isn’t. You know, it’s very difficult cause we’re not allowed to talk about it because oh my gosh that breaks taboo, and you’re a racist if you say this. Sorry! A lot of women going about their daily business feel that their safety is being directly threatened by people who are coming from different cultures and this needs to be discussed. Because I’ve had enough. All my other female friends have had enough. When I put this stuff online, the number of comments online from other women saying they’ve had enough and saying thank you for talking about this. Was it not enough for me to notice what was going on with grooming gangs? When are we going to have the conversation that women’s safety is being mortgaged at the altar of mass immigration and this foul political correctness?”

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