Big Concrete Business convenes with Big Government to discuss Communist tax reforms in favour of the Big Concrete Business

Castille is having a lot of committees discussing with the Castille Chieftain the way forward for the people. Pre-budget matters of conformity, the killer of true freedom.

Apart from the Malta Employers Association, we also had the Malta Developers Association, the Big Business of Concrete and Konkos.

You must love looking at the photo – on how they convene to warm their arse and moisten their throats while discussing how to screw the Maltese nation.

The most important thing is that these white-washed tombs of corporate greed and robbers and thieves of the Maltese people – set their discussion with a portrait of our Holy Mother holding baby Jesus in the background.

It seems like we had another meeting of the prime polluters of Malta in the name of progress with Big Daddy Government in Castille.

What was the brilliant, genius solution that they came up with? Some sort of proposals which are everything but sensible and in some, the word “green” and “greener” highlights the topic of the day so that while developers continue to ruin this country with the concrete miracle, we have our mouth shut with the so-called artificial “green” spaces. The readers should have understood by now that whatever is mentioned and painted as green is a huge scam.

In no proposal and in no statement that this disgusting, ruthless association uttered, there was the abolition of tax mentioned. Instead, they want to lower the business’s tax rate to 15%:

“Arguably the MDA’s most radical pre-budget proposal, however, is that of totally overhauling Malta’s corporate tax structure to result in a flat 15% rate for all businesses.”

“The MDA would like to see tax rates for foreign businesses gradually raised from their current effective 5% rate, while tax rates for local entrepreneurs are slowly slashed from their 35% rate.”

Say what?

Do you think they want to have such a flat 15% tax rate for everyone, while we would enjoy a parallel reduction of property prices? Nope. Don’t let your heart jump with excitement. They just want to inflate their profits, that’s what this is all about.

Big Business, especially the ones which are too big to fail, must always be protected. Since when is the MDA also talking on behalf of other businesses? Clearly, it is a Superforce. Isn’t it enough that Malta has been ruined because of its greed?

What about introducing new taxes for those businesses and people who come from outside the EU? What about having non-Europeans paying an annual tax of 65% on the land and property value, which is increased by 5% every year? What about having their employers, instead of being encouraged to hold to cheap labour, or to only employ foreigners, like the majority that employees are in the i-Gaming industries, at the expense of the Maltese workers, the employers are bound by law to pay 15% additional tax without taxing the employee?

It seems like we had another meeting of the prime polluters of Malta in the name of progress with Big Daddy Government in Castille.

What about abolishing taxes of the Maltese workers? U ma tarax. Il-Komuniżmu, li s-Soċjaliżmu qed iwassalna għalih, mhux hekk jaħdem.

Please note that we had another Fabian Socialist proposal. The MDA discussed the minimum wage rise. Do you remember the series of Fabian Socialism, where the Wage Price Spiral was discussed? This means that as prices rise, wages rise as well because wages rise in tandem with price increases. In this spiral prices are always rising. What will this mean for employers in the large economy which is just an auction for the politicians? If the employer is going to give everyone more money, then he needs to have more money to cover the increase in wages. And so, the government will keep on printing money at an increasing rate in accordance with the thesis of the Fabian socialist John Maynard Keynes. The straightforward formula is that people’s wages cannot be raised unless there is an increase in the available funds and thus we will have more inflating of the money supply. And an increase in the money supply won’t neither help the people survive this Great Reset nor will it boost the economy. If it had done so, we would all be rich.

Why aren’t Big Government and Big Businesses looking closer to home while being on the look out for offshore accounts? Do you get it?

It seems like we had another meeting of the prime polluters of Malta in the name of progress with Big Daddy Government in Castille.

Contractors have taken over our country.

In around 10 years time, there will be no more greenery left in this country [the little we have left]. Life is already unsustainable for both locals and expats, except the 3% that works in the gaming industry. The rest are the invaders. And everyone will leave except the invaders.

Then only, once it is too late, maybe the Maltese people will actually wake up and fight for their country.

“Faċli tibqa’ ħalqek sieket tħares biss: ‘mma min jgħożż lil art twelidu għandu dmir li jgħolli leħnu quddiem Alla li biss Sidu.”

Wasn’t this the result brought about by Minister Silvio Schembri of the Happy Land & luxurious apartment? But the most important thing is that the MDA has asked for ‘greener’ spaces. Sod off! Where is the rhetoric agenda of climate change?
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